Alright photo geeks. Indeed, Nikon just announced their new line of compact cameras, the "1" series. Two bodies -- the V1 and the J1 -- along with four lenses: a 10mm f/2.8, 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6, 30-110mm f/3.8-f/5, and 10-100mm f/4.5-5.5 “power zoom” lens. Here's some highlighted specs on the beefier V1 in case you haven't heard: _12mp, CMOS sensor _1080HD video (30, 60i frame rates...can get 60p at 720HD) _RAW file + jpg (5 fps) _SD... read more ›
5.7K reads
Thanks so much to everyone who tuned in to the sharing of my experiences with the new Nikon D7000 camera in this post here, where I featured the behind the scenes video and a new short film: Benevolent Mischief. It just so happens that I've been sitting on another little nugget since then that I'm excited to share today: the Benevolent Mischief REMIX featuring MC Victor Shade and MTK. Without losing you in... read more ›
755 reads
A while back I got call from the Nikon mothership which put the very first HDdSLR--the Nikon D90--into my hands months before the world had seen that technology. I won’t ever forget that experience. That little camera kicked off this whole craze of photo and video convergence that we’re swimming in today. Well...low and behold, a few months ago I got another one of those calls from Nikon. “Chase-san. We have a new... read more ›
12.6K reads