Steampunk is one of those strangely awesome subcultures that just sprung from obscurity about a decade ago and has been gaining steam (no pun intended) since then. It has an obsessive group of involved parties, of varying degrees of steampunkness. There are those people who just like going to conventions wearing top hats with cogs on them, and then there are those people who live in completely victorian esque houses, with everything surrounding them made... read more ›
3K reads
Why do artists loathe business? Why does business fear art? Each side holding the other back for no good reason. Conventional thinking declares that real art is “pure” and free of commercial motivations - that business corrupts art. Conversely, business minds often seem to fear art because it’s perceived lack of a road map for mathematical “ROI.” Total bs. The next time someone suggests that business has no... read more ›
3.9K reads
Shepard Fairey has a new installation in London's Pleasure Gardens. The 10-story mural is part of the London Pleasure Garden's vision of emulating the 17th and 19th Century tradition of 'communal spaces where people from all walks of life converged to listen to music, admire paintings, stroll, drink, flirt and immerse themselves in the culture.' As the world's attention turns to London for the 2012 Olympic Games (July 27-Aug 12) the longtime cultural capital of... read more ›
785 reads
A friend of mine always has the same weird thought when visiting Las Vegas, "What would an alien make of this place in a totally abandoned state? Can you imagine the ruins of a slot machine with no context?" It's these weird thoughts that can lead to your next piece of personal work. Mine usually come at 3am. An example of some post-apocalyptic creativity is Richard Allenby-Pratt’s series... read more ›
703 reads
14 I love what GoPro is making possible. These are things I've been asking for from a lot of manufacturers for years. I'm excited someone is listening.
872 reads
I just received a very inspiring email. I thought it was worth sharing. I’ve changed or left out some of the personal details to protect the privacy of the sender. “Hey Chase, It worked. Everything you said worked. I declared myself a photographer, got business cards, set up an LLC, pumped out shots and handed them out like mad. I DECIDED this is who I am, and it's like the whole world conspired in my favor.... read more ›
1.5K reads
Here are some behind-the-scenes snapshots of my time here in Brazil with Mike Horn. Although we are almost done here, our collaboration with Mike and the Pangaea is just beginning. Much much more to come. Pay attention for our next trip to South Africa in a few weeks. Click through some of the above photos to see what we’ve been up to.
1.1K reads
Posted for your enjoyment. If you missed this LIVE show with Zoe Keating (or if you didn't...!) you'll want to take a peek. For one, IMHO it's some of our most beautiful footage and one of the best sounding of any chasejarvisLIVE to date - we're getting pretty tight on our capture because we're having a blast. For two - and more importantly-- in addition to Zoe Keating and her cello making some... read more ›
1.1K reads
Earth Day was yesterday. And it wasn't just about wearing tie-dyed shirts made of hemp and talking about recycling. It was and always will ALSO be about ruminating on how much cool, beautiful, amazing shiznit there is on this planet. The... read more ›
952 reads
Street artist Mark Jenkins challenges people with his unique sculptures of humans in interesting or compromising situations. Made from packing tape and then dressed in pants and shirts, wigs and jewelry, these "dummy" arrest the passerbys with surprise and delight. Click through the gallery above to see some prime examples of Mark Jenkins' work. Photos of the pedestrians passing seem completely disinterested in the oddities that they are strolling right past. Twin beds and sleeping... read more ›
1.5K reads