When I saw this recent post strike a nerve, it motivated me to share this post from my man Ramit Sethi on charging what you're worth. Today he's back by popular demand to share a simple one-two approach to setting your prices and upping your earning potential. Pencils ready? Okay, take it away Ramit. Thanks, Chase. I recently asked a photographer how she came up with her pricing. She said, “Well... I researched my competition and found... read more ›
23.9K reads
Put bluntly, if we creatives want to make a real livelihood with our work - we need to realize that the business end of the stick if we're holding. And while you know I'm always up for the occasional rant on this topic, I today decided to save myself a few blood vessels and some hot air, and instead passed the baton over to my homie, best-selling business/finance author and master of psychology, Ramit Sethi.... read more ›
5.1K reads