Everyone on the our team brings an expertise and excellence to the group that is unique. As an example, Scott's Photoshop chops are stellar, Kate is an uber-producer, Erik is the bees knees with digital cinema, and the list goes on... One of Dartanyon's strong suits is digital printing. He's been around digital output from the near beginning of color desktop printing.... read more ›
12.7K reads
I originally started traveling to New Zealand for commercial photo and video work. Visually, there are few place on earth that exude the beauty of that place AND it has the benefit of being opposite seasonally (opposite hemisphere) from most of the brands/agencies etc that I work for. Great 6 month lead time for campaign creation, media buying, etc. It's geographically very dense with variety as well. It's a home run for productions. As such... read more ›
2.1K reads
-------- Note: NO, we didn’t have too much eggnog and accidentally re-publish a post from just before the holidays... We did, however, get a TON of reader requests from a lot of y'all who are using less and less Photoshop, and asked Scott if he could get similar results in Aperture or Lightroom. Short answer is YES. To that end, Scotty re-worked... read more ›
1.8K reads