My good friend and frequent guest Chris Jordan was named a featured speaker at the Center for Ecoliteracy'supcoming June 2013 seminar in Berkley. First-timers to this space should become familiar with Jordan's growing body of work, which uses photography and film to capture and make personal the global issues that too often we distance ourselves... read more ›
574 reads
Some of you who follow the blog and chasejarvisLIVE probably remember Ian Ruhter from last year's season finale of the show. I wanted to let y'all know that Ian's Silver and Light Project will be in Vancouver, April 2nd to April 16th. For more info on the Vancouver event go HERE. For some background on Ian and why you should be paying attention to his work: Ruhter and his crew shared his unique process of... read more ›
986 reads
Need a little more change in the pocket (or a lot)? If you're doing top-notch work, you may be in luck because Burn magazine is giving away $15,000 in grants for three photographers. Called the "Emerging Photographer Fund", the grants will be awarded in three allotments; one photographer will win $10,000, and two others will get $2,500 a piece. Initiated by legendary photographer David Alan... read more ›
774 reads
I'm loving the photo related projects that are popping up on kickstarter these days. I get 4-5 emails per week from people promoting their projects. Some of them suck. Some are fun. Others are downright dope. So, as we usher in a new era of DIY gadgetry and attempt to discover a future slew of products that might help us photogs + directors, I'm going to try to regularly recommend some kickstarters that have a little... read more ›
857 reads
Indonesia-based photographer and digital artist Budi "CCline" taught himself how to create these painterly photos. With nothing more than an old camera and an outdated version of Photoshop he brings to life a body of work that mixes the natural landscape with the local populations - human and animal, in a vivid, painterly style that is all his own. His work is a great reminder that it doesn't matter what tools you use, it's all... read more ›
3.5K reads
At 26 years old, Chris Burkard is living the dream of traveling around the world to shoot surfers in exotic places. He's been recognized for his work with some prestigious awards including a first place spot in the Red Bull Illume competition. His images are a complementary mix of being right in the action and being removed from it. At times the subject is a tiny speck in the grander landscape. Other times the camera... read more ›
2.7K reads
Paul Hansen of Sweden had his moving photo of a group of men in Gaza City carrying the bodies of two dead children selected as the 2013 World Press Photo of the Year. The photo, taken on November 20, 2012, was captured as the group was transporting the bodies to a mosque for a burial ceremony. The boys -- two-year-old Suhaib Hijazi and his... read more ›
1K reads
Libraries tend to be some of the most architecturally stunning places in the world. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. From authoritarian classical gothic arches to sun drenched rooms made of ethereal glass, these buildings are sanctuaries, space ships, time machines and gateway all in one. My local library is a celebrated architectural masterpiece. You can't walk by the... read more ›
2K reads
In this episode of chasejarvisLIVE I sat down with legendary photographer Chris Buck and hosted special musical guest Hey Marseilles. Chris has taken the concept of "celebrity photography" and flipped it upside-down. By applying a playful, twisted fine art mentality to celebrity photography (and his commercial work) Chris has created some of the most interesting work I've seen. He is truly one of my all-time favs. We talked about everything under the sun, including his... read more ›
979 reads
I've been banging on the doors, windows, and faces of camera manufacturers for years about this one having long found value in the idea, "What good is a picture if you can't share it?" It's a simple concept that lots of us helped ignite in our culture via mobile devices. Instantly being able to share is assumed... read more ›
2.8K reads