Yesterday I announced on my newsletter some big news .... (If you're not yet subscribed, I'm sharing some of the messy bits of my creative process in an easy to digest package.) This past Friday Sept 2nd was my last day at CreativeLive... …and I couldn't be more excited. I'll explain. I originally began drafting this note last week while overlooking the majestic California coastline, near Big Sur, as a part of a much-needed vacation.... read more ›
640 reads
HOW TO GO FROM TRAUMA TO FREEDOM AND INNER PEACE Deep in the grips of drug addiction, Gabby Bernstein was sitting in her beaten-up white Toyota Corolla playing a cassette again and again and listening to a psychic saying to her, “You have two choices in this lifetime: You could stay addicted—and that’s not going to be good—or you can get clean and make a major impact on the world.” In that moment, she couldn’t... read more ›
2.7K reads
Fiverr Expands Online Education Offering With Acquisition of CreativeLive When I was 22 years old, I found myself at a crossroads. I had two choices, follow the “safe” path laid out for me–go to college, get a practical degree, and find a lifelong J.O.B. that provides security, OR take the much-less-certain route, pursuing my passions and my personal creativity. I saw traditional employment burdened by a rapidly changing culture and economy. Student debt, the eroding... read more ›
614 reads
CreativeLive student and filmmaker, Alec Cutter first came on my radar in 2016 during a live panel event in Seattle. After playing division one soccer at Gonzaga University, he moved to NYC with a dream to become a filmmaker, where he faced the classic chicken and egg dilemma. He needed a portfolio to get hired, but felt like getting hired was necessary to create a portfolio. Living on a friends couch, working multiple jobs, Alec... read more ›
506 reads
If you’ve been following me for any length of time, then you most likely know my M.O. by now: put your work out there early and often. Steve Martin famously said, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” But the other side of that is to have so much work out there that people can't swing a stick without hitting something you've made/written/built/produced/directed/etc. I talked about this with fellow sharing advocate, #cjLIVE alum, and all-around... read more ›
798 reads
People ask me all the time if there's one thing that's changed my life the most, what is it? No question it's the ability to learn skills whether they be for life, hobby, or career... Life long learning is quite literally what has created anything I would consider a classic "success" in my life. SO... In today's episode of #cjRAW I break down my own learning process into 3 clear, easily repeatable steps. And then I go... read more ›
11.9K reads
Whether you know it or not, there are a whole host of things that either stimulate or obstruct our productivity and creativity. Where we work, the people we see, the equipment we use, the sounds we hear, even the information we consume. The good news is that we can develop systems that can help us harness and fuel our creativity instead of diminish it. Today on the show, I'm sharing a few of my favorite... read more ›
297 reads
A lot of my breakthrough creative thoughts come to me when least expected. I've talked about "finding creativity" and "creative inspiration" all over the place... on podcasts like this and this (twice for example) or given a keynote on it here at SWSW. That said, I've also learned from an entire life in the trenches as an artist what DOESN'T contribute to them (abusing myself, bad head space, partying too much), but more importantly, what... read more ›
10K reads
One of my favorite things about the community we have around this show is the ongoing conversation not just between my guests, but with you, the listener. Whether it’s through my email newsletter, social media, or texting, the community we’ve built over 10+ years is real. This year, many of you asked for guests who are on their way up. Folks who have put what they've learned into action. Well, I could not think of... read more ›
1.6K reads
Debbie Millman is one of my dear friends, a powerhouse creative and someone who inspires me every day. When I was developing my online companion class to the Creative Calling book, of course I had to ask Debbie to join me on stage for a conversation around designing our life with intention. Debbie's insight is pure gold. AND - this is just one of the segments from the class. If you already have my book,... read more ›
601 reads