Let's face it, we all have a dream. Whether it's to write a book, start a business, or travel the world, we all have something we've been yearning to do. But, sometimes, the road to achieving our dreams is filled with doubters and dream killers. You know who I'm talking about - those people who can't help but question your plans, who try to talk you out of your dreams, who seem to pour cold... read more ›
314 reads
“If you go deeper into yourself, you’ll find below the surface four or five things, other emotions, other things going on at the same time. Perhaps things from your childhood, things that are unconscious. You’re not even aware of what’s truly motivating your behavior. You’re kind of sleepwalking. You think that you do things for reason A, but actually, there’s B, C, D, E, and F below the surface. So you’re a mystery to yourself.”... read more ›
2K reads
In a time when fear, doubt, and uncertainty creep in, it’s more important than ever to tune into our emotional wellness and health. That’s why I’m excited to share my conversation with Amber Rae on the show today. Amber Rae has been called “The Brené Brown of Wonder.” She’s a multi-talented artist, entrepreneur, and author. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, NY Mag, TODAY, Self, Fortune, Forbes and Entrepreneur and collaborated... read more ›
905 reads