I was first introduced to Niki Feijen's work via Amy Rollo who helps me with the Best Photo Locations pieces on my blog. I saw his stuff and, naturally, poked around to learn more about him. Ironically, one of my favorite parts of Niki's backstory is that he's not a professional photographer. He has a day job, and photographs his passion - urban exploring. And then something occurred to me: while it may be unconventional... read more ›
2.1K reads
At only 22 years old, LA resident Megan McIsaac has a truly impressive body of work under her belt. She has a way of capturing the world around her with pure honesty; of illicting incredibly intimate reactions from her subject matter. She has taken the Tumblr world by storm, garnering thousands of notes on each image she posts - something about the simplicity and rawness of her photography seems to reverberate with a broad audience.... read more ›
8.9K reads
Urban jungles can be indifferent and cold, but Jared Lim has a different perspective. His architectural photos are bright and alive. Regardless of whether the image is complex and kaleidoscopic or simple and geometric, each image contains a captivating structure. Indeed he must make the architects who designed these edifices sing with joy. Click through the images above to see more of Jared's work. Jared was kind enough to indulge me with a few Q&A's:... read more ›
1.8K reads
This black and white portrait series has been a hard won achievement by Australian photographer Rohan Phillips. At only 27 years old, much of his teenage and adult life has been spent in and out of hospitals battling life-threatening health problems, including digestive tract paralysis and testicular cancer. Even after a successful surgery to remove the tumor and cancer cells, he still needs to be "attached to a feeding machine for 17 hours a day,... read more ›
3.8K reads
Dublin-based photographer Martin Marcisovsky captures subjects placed in distinctly dream-like landscapes. There is a feeling of voyeurism as you look at these lonely figures. The subjects seem to be either lost in their own contemplations or moving forward on some sort of mystery quest with their backs to the viewer. Lord of the Rings meets Dune with a dash of Salvador Dali - sometimes fantasy, sometimes sci-fi these surreal presentations of the deep corners of... read more ›
3.8K reads
The work of Kindra Timmerwilke is a great example of commitment to craft. She's been following her passion for photography with diligence - despite having a day job. Based out of Seattle, she is a testament to what can happen if you put parts of your heart and soul into your photography. In the midst of a 365 days photo project (this simple concept is birthing creativity all over the world) we sat down with... read more ›
2.7K reads
Disney movies are an integrated part of childhood for most Westernized culture, to the point where if someone is presented with a picture of any of the "princesses" they can immediately identify them. These princesses are a clearly engrained part of our youth culture, visions of feminine charm and reworked classic fairy tales. But what happens when instead of showing these fictional women as beautiful shining figures, you surround them with filth and death? Click... read more ›
6.1K reads
Unless you've been living under a rock, we've all heard of the 365 day projects - where a photographer takes a photo of something in their life every day for a year. (You might also have been living under a rock if you missed my new "Emerging Talent" series announcement...). With 365 projects - not unlike new years resolutions - many start, few finish. One photographer, a young fellow named Alex Stoddard, not only finished... read more ›
14.7K reads