Murad Osmann has put a really solid spin on the traditional "vacation album". Already picked up by HuffPo, Business insider, and the Daily Mail UK, I nearly didn't feature the work (not to mention the HDR tendency...), but I kept coming back to it for 3 reasons: 1. The concept is good. 2. The concept is simple. 3. We can all take note and learn something about executing good, simple concepts to create a body... read more ›
1.1K reads
UPDATE:the LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Check out the post below and be sure to tune into tomorrow — 11am SEA time (2pm NYC -19:00 London) — and enjoy the show. See you on air in a few… If you've been around my blog or this community for long, you'll know that my focus is photography and directing, but most of all my guiding mantra is about living a more creative life - whether a photographer, filmmaker,... read more ›
607 reads
Freckles on skin. The beauty of a clavicle, jutting through fragile epidermis. Long fingers clasped together. Skinned knees. Natural light, wafting across delicate features. The pure gorgeous intensity of being human - and Eric Rose somehow manages to catch them all with one well composed black and white photo. His photos have a sort of gritty dreaminess to them - you can't help but wonder about the eyes that peer back at you, the situation... read more ›
17.4K reads
In honor of the 33rd anniversary of Apocalypse Now, film editor Brian Caroll put this mash up together. It's a gem. Makes me want to go back and watch the movie and the epic documentary Hearts of Darkness around the making of the famously plagued and problematic - but ultimately brilliant film. Coppola's quotes, especially the one that Caroll ends the tribute with, are gold. Here are a few of my favorites: "I want a... read more ›
534 reads
In this series, we've seen Tarantino's FROM BELOW, Wes Anderson's FROM ABOVE, a mash-up of BREAKING BAD POVs and the final perspective piece of this series of posts, compiled from many well-known films, is the most omniscient of them all: The God's Eye View. ________ Thanks to Brian Carroll for putting this together for our enjoyment.
2.6K reads
If you like my earlier post on Quentin Tarantino's FROM BELOW perspective and Wes Anderson's well-known perspective of FROM ABOVE- check out another one of our favorite examples of perspective here in the studio: the work behind the series Breaking Bad. We all love this show. The camera work and directing is nothing short of brilliant - and these POV shots demonstrate myriad ways a director can introduce a setting, scene or sentiment. I'll be... read more ›
1K reads
If you like my earlier post on Quentin Tarantino's FROM BELOW perspective - check out another great director's work FROM ABOVE. Like Tarantino, Wes Anderson's movies are immediately identifiable. One of his signature perspectives is from above. I'll be featuring more of these pieces today. Stay tuned. ___________________________________ These exist thanks to the work of Kogonada.
740 reads
Perspective. I've mentioned it before. Shifting yours can impact your work substantially. As an example, I found this short piece highlighting the work of Quentin Tarantino. One of his favorite signature perspectives is from below. Fun to watch and just what the doctor ordered before the long weekend (for those of us here in the USA). Enjoy the time off if you have it - and if you're going to use it to create photos... read more ›
723 reads
Here’s another 60 Second Portrait, starring Mike Relm this time. I shot this after our recent episode of chasejarvisLIVE. If you dig it, check out the rest of my 60 Second Portraits here.
358 reads
If you're primarily an on-location photographer or filmmaker, then you know how much value a great location can add to the shoot. So today I'm introducing another Series (ala the 'Emerging Talent' and others...) where I feature supercool locations around the world. Stuff I discover, stuff that other send me, places I'd love to shoot. Of course feel free to chime in, share, link, or otherwise contribute in... read more ›
9.6K reads