Y'all are well aware of my relationship and long-time love affair with Polaroid. Well, back when the film went out of manufacturing, a now-friend of mine Dr. Florian Kaps took on a project that some called impossible--the resurrection of the old-style instant films. He bought up the last Polaroid film factory in the Netherlands and has succeeded in bringing back instant film from a near death. This video--looks to be a TV short... read more ›
1.1K reads
[Erik here with a quick guest post about some videos I wanted to share. I find them incredibly informative and inspiring, and I hope you do to.] Robert Rodriguez is a special breed of filmmaker, a breed that we'll continue to see more and more of as filmmaking technology becomes increasingly accessible and affordable. The do-it-yourselfers who are so technically savvy that they can oversee and drive every aspect of their production. Since his first... read more ›
5.7K reads
I heard it again yesterday for the billionth time: "Digital Photography". Isn't it time we drop the word 'digital'? Seems we've managed to drop the "electric" from "electric guitar" in common parlance. We found it easy to drop the word "acrylic" from "acrylic painting" when that came on the scene with oils. We quickly ditched the "digital" from "digital music" when it took the lead over records and tapes and CDs. I suppose by-and-large our... read more ›
2.6K reads
Why is it that our society clearly celebrates the chance takers, yet we rarely encourage one another to take chances--especially those people closest to us? Almost all your favorite artists quit the traditional to pursue their dreams. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dropped out of college to pursue their passions. Regardless if you wanna be in art, or film, or accounting, or a pro athlete, the story is the same. Go tell your husband that... read more ›
1.3K reads