IKEA may seem like nothing more than a necessary evil for those who don't wanna drop a full paycheck on a single piece of furniture (and hey, their pre-fab systems and some in-store displays are actually quite innovative...), but this here is some next level shiz: an eco-friendly, cardboard-bodied digital camera. Shoots/stores up to 40 images, uses AA batteries (which, if you can find them hiding in... read more ›
704 reads
Quick diversion from the normal banter here... What goes well with the holidays and photo books? Wine and chocolate. Wine and chocolate? Hopefully you're aware of my latest photo book project, Seattle 100: Portrait of City (hardback 10x10" 240 pages, 300 photographs - all my proceeds go to non-profit www.4culture.org). I've alluded to it in some posts before, but as a side show, we got together with a few friends and made some very tasty... read more ›
321 reads