UPDATE: The contest has closed and we have a winner! Steve Groves has been randomly selected - and he scores the 1:1 with yours truly, $500 from Adorama and the entire PhotoWeek 2014 from CreativeLive. Stevo: send an email to production@chasejarvis.com to claim your prize and get that consult scheduled. Everyone else: thank you so much for entering! __ I can point to a handful of in-person meetings that changed the trajectory of my career... read more ›
811 reads
REMINDER THIS IS TODAY! Don't miss out. Grab a coffee, JOIN IN HERE on Google+ or HERE on YouTube, and ask some questions! You can also catch an embed down below. I'm all ears and a little bit of mouth... See you in a jiff... BONUS ANNOUNCEMENT: My friends over at Adorama have made several special deals available as part of my Hangout today. Click on this link to head over to the special Adorama... read more ›
651 reads
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4byZp9PvAs You read the title and thought I was talking smack. But in fact, on last week's special addition of chasejarvisLIVE (during the week-long creativeLIVE broadcast extravaganza of FREE photo education PhotoWeek) we connected LIVE with the creator of THE manifesto for creativity in the digital age Steal Like an Artist. Intrigued? Well you ought to be. Austin Kleon is a brilliant artist (Newspaper Blackout), speaker (giving the keynote this year at SXSW!), a NY... read more ›
4.6K reads
UPDATE: The LIVE broadcast is TODAY September 18th - 11am SEA time (2pm NYC -19:00 London) - mark your schedules and flip your dial to http://www.chasejarvis.com/live. You read the title and thought I was talking smack. But in fact, I plan to connect you LIVE with the creator of THE manifesto for creativity in the digital age Steal Like an Artist. Intrigued? Well you ought to be. Austin Kleon is a brilliant artist (Newspaper Blackout),... read more ›
651 reads
Here's another 60 Second Portrait, starring Guy Kawasaki this time. I shot this after our recent episode of chasejarvisLIVE. If you dig it, check out the rest of my 60 Second Portraits here. ----------
5.2K reads
Whether you caught the LIVE show or missed it, I recommend pressing play on the #cjLIVE rewatch video above. You'll see why it was one of the most popular shows we've run. More than just funny and talented, Kawasaki is a fountain of knowledge on lofty topics like branding, marketing, and vision--down to really specific, actionable checklists for getting your art, photography, product, or gadget noticed. Four stars - not to miss. ----
1.4K reads
---- Update: just a reminder that Guy Kawasaki is on chasejarvisLIVE tomorrow, Wednesday March 21. Details are here.... ------- The jury is out. For some it's the best thing ever. For others it's just another social media tool that clutters the horizon, and for others still it hasn't lived up to the hype that Google may have hoped. But NYTimes best-selling author Guy Kawasaki tells us why we're wrong in his new ebook What the... read more ›
307 reads
--------- UPDATE!! If you're reading this now - the LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Read the post below, then be sure to tune into http://www.chasejarvis.com/live and enjoy the show. Giving away some serious prizes, below. See you on air in a few... ------- HUGE news here, friends. This coming Wednesday, March 21st, I am proud to host the legendary Mr. Guy Kawasaki to the next episode of chasejarvisLIVE. In addition to being a mentor to me... read more ›
654 reads
That's right, you read the headline is correct. Over the weekend a diver, Markus Thompson, found a camera at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, just off the coast of British Colubmia. He salvaged the camera, poked around a little bit (determining that the camera had been dropped into the water in August 2010), recovered the data off the card and, using Google+, found the owner. Markus' original post and updates here. The social web... read more ›
1.7K reads
I jumped on Google+ last week to explore sharing some content. Let's be friends...er...that's Facebook. My profile is here. Please add me to some of your circles. Just uploaded a photo from the drive in movies last Saturday. Besides that I'll be adding more content soon. Looking forward to exploring this w/ you, sharing work, etc, and thanks to all you who have been flipping me invites for the past eons, especially my pal, Robert... read more ›
157 reads