Here is a list of 10 things I've learned the hard way that every photographer, designer, creative--hell, every creative person--should know. 1. Experts aren’t the answer. The blogs, the teachers, the mentors, the seminars aren’t the answer. They’re not there to tell you exactly what you need to know. If they’re good, then they are there to give you some ideas, some guidelines, or some rules to learn and subsequently break. This isn’t about the... read more ›
84.8K reads
This is a public service announcement that I think is valuable... I'm banking you know I'm co-founder over at creativeLIVE - where we've delivered more than 15 million viewer hours of creative education worldwide. (If you're new, here's stories about it in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Chicago Tribune, TechCrunch, AllThingsD, etc and stay tuned for my MSNBC segment coming in 2 weeks...) This is a short-notice opportunity to take advantage... read more ›
667 reads
UPDATE: 5 bonus winners!! Five folks have won a free download of Secrets from Silicon Valley featuring Reid Hoffman, Tim Ferriss, Guy Kawasaki --all who have profoundly influenced my career-- plus many other great business minds. Congrats to: Nelson Mouellic Bob Fisher Brian Bulemore Rodrigo Figueras Tony DiMaggio Winners: email to claim your prize. AND... Tune in LIVE RIGHT NOW. Guy Kawasaki is coming up next. UPDATE: Huge thanks to the 500 or so... read more ›
1.1K reads
I had the distinct pleasure of being a guest on Jenni Hogan's "Next Big Thing" podcast a couple weeks ago to talk a bit about my life path(s), pivot points and the way that creativeLIVE is systematically re-shaping access to the best education. For those who don't know Jenni, she's a super smart, sharp journalist who has a passion for connecting with like-minded people who impact, inspire and inform. Equally at home in the worlds... read more ›
506 reads
Here's another 60 Second Portrait, starring Guy Kawasaki this time. I shot this after our recent episode of chasejarvisLIVE. If you dig it, check out the rest of my 60 Second Portraits here. ----------
5.2K reads
Whether you caught the LIVE show or missed it, I recommend pressing play on the #cjLIVE rewatch video above. You'll see why it was one of the most popular shows we've run. More than just funny and talented, Kawasaki is a fountain of knowledge on lofty topics like branding, marketing, and vision--down to really specific, actionable checklists for getting your art, photography, product, or gadget noticed. Four stars - not to miss. ----
1.4K reads
---- Update: just a reminder that Guy Kawasaki is on chasejarvisLIVE tomorrow, Wednesday March 21. Details are here.... ------- The jury is out. For some it's the best thing ever. For others it's just another social media tool that clutters the horizon, and for others still it hasn't lived up to the hype that Google may have hoped. But NYTimes best-selling author Guy Kawasaki tells us why we're wrong in his new ebook What the... read more ›
314 reads
--------- UPDATE!! If you're reading this now - the LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Read the post below, then be sure to tune into and enjoy the show. Giving away some serious prizes, below. See you on air in a few... ------- HUGE news here, friends. This coming Wednesday, March 21st, I am proud to host the legendary Mr. Guy Kawasaki to the next episode of chasejarvisLIVE. In addition to being a mentor to me... read more ›
661 reads