Among other wonderful benefit, travel is known to inspire creativity. And for those of you who want to travel but don't think you have the means... allow me to (re-)introduce you to my pal Chris Guillebeau is a globe trotting, “self employed for life” hacker. He is also the founder of the World Domination Summit (most amazing name ever for a creative conference…) and the best-selling author of The $100 Startup as well as The... read more ›
1.6K reads
Dove has been running "Real Beauty" ads for more than a decade. Their agency Ogilvy in Toronto cam up with a pretty dope hack/secret weapon to raise awareness with photo re-touchers, art directions and designers to reconsider the messaging that they and their clients are promoting by thinning, coloring and generally adding or subtracting to women's bodies for benefit of advertising to the masses. By disguising a desirable Photoshop action in popular blogs Dove has... read more ›
4.2K reads
UPDATED AGAIN WITH A TREAT: SPECIAL OFFER: This is LIVE right NOW. Buy the Tim Ferriss creativeLIVE course #4HourLife and get a free copy of Tim's new book. Click for details Sale ends today! (somewhere around a $35 value + shipping) _____ UPDATE: Tim is LIVE NOW... both today and tomorrow. Tune in here at _____ Short version: renowned 4-hour-everything guy Tim Ferriss is gonna be on creativeLIVE next week... read more ›
1.2K reads
UPDATE: it's not an accident that just this week we heard that Ryan and his book made the Wall Street Journal BestSeller list. Congrats Ryan! If you have not purchased this book or recommended it to those who might dig it, please consider doing so. ______ We had so much going on during the last few weeks that the superdope Ryan Holiday / Trust Me I'm Lying Episode repost on YouTube has taken... read more ›
1K reads
UPDATE!! If you’re reading this now – the LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Check out the post below and be sure to tune into today — 11am SEA time (2pm NYC & 19:00 London) — and enjoy the show. See you on air in a few… ____ An online stunt or evocative content takes your work, your product, or YOU from total obscurity to internet sensation. A photographer wins a campaign even though she sucks.... read more ›
1.5K reads
Thanks again to everyone for throwing down your thoughts on how I shot this photo. Lots of good ideas presented in your answers, and lots of you nailed several components of image. Overall, I think Derik got the closest to detailing how we did this, so if Derik will ping us offline, we'll send him a signed copy of TBCITOTWY. In the meantime, here's the debrief of the soccer shot from my portfolio. 1. Environment.... read more ›
572 reads