Ever wonder why, despite your best efforts, happiness seems to elude you? Arthur C. Brooks, a Harvard professor and happiness expert, argues that the real reason you're not happy isn't about external achievements. It's about something much deeper and more intrinsic. Let's explore the science and philosophy behind true happiness and discover practical steps to achieve lasting contentment. The Myth of External Happiness Arthur Brooks debunks a common myth: the belief that external factors like... read more ›
121 reads
What if the secret to unlocking your best creative self was as simple as putting yourself first? There's this catchy phrase in finance called "Pay Yourself First," which means setting aside savings before paying any bills. But I believe this concept extends far beyond finances. When we're constantly pulled in a million directions, learning to quote “pay yourself first” is a simple reminder: Don’t forget about you. Why We Feel Burned Out As creators, our... read more ›
49 reads
Ever find yourself chasing after more, only to feel emptier than before? It’s a paradox many of us live: the more we strive for, the less satisfied we become. When does what you do and what you have become enough? It’s a question we rarely ask ourselves. Our society pushes the myth that having more—more money, more stuff, more accolades—is the ultimate path to happiness and success. But here's the thing: it's a myth, and... read more ›
148 reads
Stephanie Harrison's story starts with a mindset similar to many in their early 20s. Gainfully employed, ambitious, and with all of New York City at her feet, she was exactly where she wanted to be. On paper. Something felt missing, even though her longtime dream of living independently in the Big Apple had been achieved. She recalls being miserable without a clear idea of why. Eventually, ignoring the problem took its toll. Her body began... read more ›
173 reads
In the midst of a creative marathon, the sprint towards the finish line can feel all-consuming. For me, that's been the reality as I hammer out the final chapters of my next book. Picture it: weeks of rewrites, a direction that felt "off" until it was nearly scrapped and started anew. It's a doozy of a process, one that demands the lion's share of my attention and energy as I push to wrap things up... read more ›
193 reads
People say "in your dreams" when they want to imply that something isn't going to happen. But according to this expert, dreams are the best place to start when it comes to making goals a reality. Dr. James Doty is a world-renowned neurosurgeon, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and New York Times bestselling author. He is also the founder and director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University. I recently had the... read more ›
792 reads
Entrepreneur Derek Sivers said it best: If you’re not saying “HELL YEAH” to something, it’s a no. It’s the idea that 1) we need to prioritize the things that light us up, and 2) the best way to focus our energy is to say no to more things that don’t. When we're navigating this journey called life, it's easy to veer off course, subtly losing our way in the daily grind. This is your life... read more ›
237 reads
Rise and shine. We've got a full day ahead of us to seize, and just the right guy to ask for advice on how to do so. Dr. Michael Norton is a trained psychologist who has spent years studying human behavior and happiness. He's also a professor at Harvard Business School and a best-selling author. But more importantly, he's an expert on the science of rituals - those seemingly small but powerful daily habits that... read more ›
273 reads
In this episode, we're talking about the power of play. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly excel in their work while maintaining a sense of joy and creativity? Well, it all comes down to embracing the spirit of play. But here's the thing, play is not just about having fun or taking a break from work. It's a mindset that can enhance our productivity and bring us closer to our true... read more ›
272 reads
In the bustling corridors of our modern world, the term 'burnout' echoes like a haunting refrain. It's a shadow that looms large for many of us, threatening to dim our brightest moments. But what if there was a way out? Enter Suneel Gupta, bestselling author and co-founder of the Gross National Happiness Center. He unveils the secrets to rekindling the lost spark and finding joy in every endeavor. In our journey towards personal and professional... read more ›
690 reads