Whether you love it or hate it, the term "journalist" is increasingly being accepted by our culture to include freelancers, bloggers, even just citizens who happen to "be there".In a crazy story I read about first over at Wired Mag's new photo blog, RawFile, they report that a student photographer who photographed paramedics tending to a homicide victim was given journalistic protection provided for by the law. From the Wired story: "In recognizing the journalistic... read more ›
176 reads
I haven't shot an image for stock photography in nearly 5 years. And I don't plan on doing it any time soon. That sentiment governs how I've felt about that part of the industry for some time now. That's not to say there's not some money to be made - after all, I still collect checks from old work and outtakes that would be rotting on my server - however I decided long ago not... read more ›
352 reads
1. Great attitude2. Great attitude3. Hard working4. Knowledge of technical/equipment5. Great personalityNotice photo school is not on here, nor is 10 years experience, nor are a lot of things you might expect. For the newest assistant on the team, I'd way prefer to have simply a great attitude, be a hard worker, have an open mind, and a working knowledge of most things photo. And do note, this is is not for a first or... read more ›
891 reads
I tread very gently in the gear world, and even more gently in the rumors world, because both can be slippery and boring slopes, but this caught my eye because I like what I see, however nefarious it might be. Apparently Wired GadgetLab has picked up a document that highlights the roadmap of Nikon's dSLR program thru 2010. Call in the real deal or the fanboy fantasy...your guess is as good as mine (more likely... read more ›
277 reads
About 18 months ago, I wrote about Chris Anderson's 'Free' in the context of the ever-evolving landscape of photography, video, and their relation to new media. In today's New Yorker Magazine, Malcolm Gladwell (author of The Tipping Point,Blink,and Outliers,) offers some cogent analysis and great counterpoints to Anderson's claims that are well worth the read: "...And there’s plenty of other information out there that has chosen to run in the opposite direction from Free. The... read more ›
383 reads
I was recently invited to speak to the Art Director's Club of Denver and the ASMP about creativity, and subsequently delivered that keynote two weeks ago. This video is a recording of that talk. Hope it strikes a chord with you.I had a blast connecting with some of the creative community in Denver/Boulder while I was in town, and it was also a great honor to judge your annual advertising awards show with some rather... read more ›
524 reads
Jeff Goodby, pilot of the mighty Goodby, Silverstein & Partners advertising agency has rightly said of the advertising industry: "We've created a system that rewards work that is increasingly unknown to anyone outside the business. We have become connoisseurs of esoterica. And in the process, we're becoming more about us, and less about changing the world. We are becoming irrelevant award-chasers. Sure, some of the best things we make nowadays are internet experiences with necessarily... read more ›
259 reads
Do you recall the story of my uncle's war camera - the little Olympus Pen half frame? Well, looks like they've reinvented it (read here) digitally using the new micro 4/3 sensor technology and it got me thinking.Since you know by now I believe deeply that the best camera is the one that's with you. And since I'm an advocate of keeping a camera with you at all times, it's obvious that small cameras are... read more ›
370 reads
So this time last month it was a still from the RED one camera featured on the cover of Esquire Magazine. Now it's iPhone art on the cover of The New Yorker magazine. Yes, my friends, the future is upon us. The Matrix. And I love it.Speaking about artist Jorge Colombo, abcnews.com reports: "Using the Brushes application, one of thousands available for the iPhone and iPod touch, he has digitally painted dozens of New York... read more ›
195 reads
I tweeted this earlier today, but just couldn't resist posting it here on the blog as well. Sure there's all kinds of great aerial, RC, mega extendo tripod VR, or unique POV photography stuff going on these days, but this is quite beautifully executed. Like Google earth NYC, but with a whole lotta polish. Fly like superman over NYC here.File under supercool. Or Superman. (Eat your heart out, Clark Kent. The ol' innernets lets me... read more ›
370 reads