When you think of “innovation,” what comes to mind? A turtleneck-clad “creative” sketching impossibly elegant, otherworldly product designs? Maybe a Minority Report-like scene of a scientist solving complex equations and diagrams on some futuristic computer interface, or a group of elite hackers sequestered in a think tank coding up the next generation of algorithms? If something along those lines popped into your head, you’re half right. Hard skills like design and engineering will always be... read more ›
2.1K reads
I'm headed back to New York city this week. The city has a unique way of pushing photographers and filmmakers to be more creative. The constant pulse of visual inspiration is motivational. My own work has been given the occasional Big Apple boost - in fact, it was just one year ago that I wrapped up my Dasein: An Invitation to Hang installation at the Ace Hotel. The mini-doc and some of my conclusions on... read more ›
799 reads