I get a lot of questions from you guys about how to breakthrough and get known. I usually say, "Aim to be different, not just better". That suffices for most contexts when I'm giving surface level advice--it's a quick, punchy answer-- BUT what's missing from this POV is a crucial step...the actual way people can identify that you're "different"...and is this: YOU MUST SHOW YOUR WORK. In this episode of chasejarvis RAW I break down... read more ›
12.2K reads
Find your thing and do that thing better than anybody else does that thing even if you think that thing has no value because I promise you that it does. And I promise you that other people will see this value too. [I'll continue to post these little notes I scribble out--little journal notes--if you like dig em. Please let me know here, G+ or Twitter. I write them using Amazing Type-writer app for iPhone.... read more ›
5.6K reads