The Back Story If you’ve ever wondered how pro photographers capture great photos with their phone, I have something for you. Since getting the iPhone X, I've been working on condensing my best-learned lessons in mobile photography into my first ever class on CreativeLive. What You'll Learn Using natural light to capture indoor and outdoor portraits Simple posing and light considerations for kids, adults,... read more ›
4.4K reads
One of my most popular, widely shared, and (so I'm told) most impactful blog posts is one I did a few years back called "The 10 Things All Creatives (That's You) Must Know," a collection of hard-won lessons I've learned from my 20+ years in the trenches as a creator. And although it's a few years old I feel more confident than ever about the timeless value of these lessons -- and so this week... read more ›
2.5K reads
Turn back your mental clock to April of 2012, when Facebook acquired Instagram for the eye-popping price of $1 billion. It was a big story, with headlines all over not just the tech press but mainstream outlets like CNN, Newsweek and the nightly news-- who could have imagined a company with barely over a dozen employees commanding a 10-figure valuation?! Like most of you, I watched the story unfold like some kind of tech fairy... read more ›
36.2K reads