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202 reads
My dear friend Lewis Howes recently asked me a damn good question. If you could - what would you tell your younger self? My answer sucked. But he told me HIS answer and I thought his answer was a good one... So good in fact that I wished I'd had learned the lessons much much earlier in life. I tried to write this in my own voice, but since the list and story weren't mine... read more ›
33.5K reads
I live by hard work + hustle -- they are some of the key elements to my success and the successes of so many of my peers... but so is recovery. One cannot live at 100mph. One cannot ALWAYS be on a diet, be in peak performance. Rest is mandatory. We either choose to find it in appropriate doses OR our bodies an our lives will choose it for us (crash and burn, get sick,... read more ›
1.2K reads