Today on the show we have the Father of Biohacking himself, Dave Asprey. Over twenty-five years ago, Dave found himself overweight, overworked, and an unhealthy entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. He was faced with a choice: improve his health, or live a much shorter life span. That set him on an almost multi-decade journey to not only live, but thrive and share his knowledge with his community. That work lead to him founding Bulletproof 360, a... read more ›
354 reads
We're into the new year and everyone's talking about resolutions and goals... lose weight, quit drinking, teach yourself some new skills. Yet something like 1 in 3 folks give up before the end of the first month. What gives? I'm cutting to the punchline on this one: 'Change' by itself sounds so big and ominous. But it's not. At its core, change is just making the 'right' decision toward the outcome you want enough time... read more ›
9.3K reads