While there may not be an instruction manual for life as a whole, Cyndie Spiegel's new book, Microjoys: Finding Hope (Especially) When Life Is Not Okay, has hope covered. The storyteller, writer, TEDx speaker, meditation teacher, former fashion executive and professor has experienced her fair share of overwhelming darkness and has used it to fuel her mission of inspiring hope in others. Cyndie recently sat down with me to discuss her trying journey, the lessons... read more ›
1.3K reads
A creative mindset is not only about managing downside risk; it’s also critical to use your mind to go on the offensive. How can you keep your mind open, happy, and positive? Because, let’s face it, the quality of your life is determined by what you think and feel. Science tells us that positive thoughts are healthier—they makes us feel better and are tightly correlated with flow states and improved performance. We simply cannot ignore... read more ›
1.1K reads
Chase Jarvis and productivity expert Chris Bailey explore the power of calm in an anxious world in this thought-provoking podcast. From the impact of digital worlds on our anxiety levels to the dangers of overstimulation, Chris shares his personal journey through burnout and anxiety and offers practical strategies for finding peace and productivity. Chris, the bestselling author of "Hyperfocus" and "The Productivity Project," is a sought-after speaker on the subject of productivity, and has written... read more ›
910 reads
Stress - we've all felt it, and in today's day and age, it's just a fact of life. But just because it's seemingly unavoidable doesn't mean you have to give in to it. Learning ways to manage and cope with stress is essential for a healthy and balanced life. This is something I spoke about in-depth on my latest podcast with Dr. Elissa Epel, an accomplished Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Psychiatry... read more ›
1K reads
I’m a huge believer in making art for art’s sake. Taking photos that no one is going to pay you for. Shooting films that aren’t commissioned or funded. Writing words that the world may never read. I’ve said before that doing and making always trumps talking about it, but there’s also a difference between the doing and making that pays the bills and the doing and making that brings joy, that hones craft, lights creative... read more ›
964 reads
The world is creative, innovative, and curious. It’s constantly inviting us to develop new ideas, improve on existing ones, and tap into endless possibilities. It’s also challenging as a creator to maintain an innovative mindset. We have so many pressures coming at us these days. If you’ve ever wondered how great innovators delve into their endless resource of ideas, it helps to learn from the source. Award-winning designer and author Hussain Almossawi has a... read more ›
380 reads
Danielle LaPorte is an experienced spiritual teacher to say the least. She's the founder of Heart Centered Leadership Program - which features a leadership curriculum used by hundreds of facilitators and HR directors around the world - and is widely known for her popular book, the Desire Map. Not to mention, Danielle is one of few experts in her industry to be a member of Oprah's lauded SuperSoul 100, a group who, in Oprah... read more ›
1.1K reads
Do you know how many shots Michael Jordan missed during his career? More than 9000. Take baseball: a legendary hitter, bats a .300 average, which means he succeeds only one in three times at that. Take any famous entrepreneur and her true biography will serve mostly as an index of failures, with a few big wins mixed in. We think otherwise only because of our tendency to minimize failure and dwell on success when telling... read more ›
855 reads
There’s a precision that comes with experience and maturity that lends its language to the unexplainable. Tapping into this kind of knowledge helps us bring our understanding of our own experience full circle as we develop ourselves creatively and professionally over time. I’ve had Todd Henry on the show before where we talk about creating work that lasts. He’s the creator for creators and I’m talking with him again on how we can develop... read more ›
1K reads
Most of us move through life and find ourselves at points searching for something.. for the thing. That thing that makes our heart skip or beat a little faster, that makes us feel alive and awake. Some call it purpose, others call it destiny. In my conversation with Tunde, she called it the “hum”. Tunde Oyeneyin is a hugely popular Peloton instructor and inspires millions of people from the seat of a bike. But... read more ›
1.3K reads