Happy Holidays! Today's podcast is a twist on the usual - no guest, just some important ideas from yours truly that may help...IF you want to make changes in your life. First, there's a crazy stat -- something like 80% of people fail to achieve their New Years resolutions - and most give up within the first 2 weeks of the year. Yet here we (all) are, back to reflecting on how the past... read more ›
1.1K reads
December is generally a slow time- a lot of businesses shut down or slow down, people tend to spend time with family and loved ones, and it’s traditionally a time that offers us time and space. I love using this time of year and the traits that it bears to its full advantage to slow down, strategize, and synthesize my intentions. Whether it's end of the year, beginning of a year, or the cusp of any... read more ›
5.8K reads
Hello my internet friends! Today is a very exciting day. I'm proud to announce 28 to Make: daily creative project ideas. Short version: I want you to join me and some friends in a global 28 day movement to dramatically enhance your creativity - and maybe your life. Longer version? Read on...but it's basically just pure awesome, and very simple, low friction, zero cost and just 5 minutes per day to way way way up... read more ›
4K reads