Disney movies are an integrated part of childhood for most Westernized culture, to the point where if someone is presented with a picture of any of the "princesses" they can immediately identify them. These princesses are a clearly engrained part of our youth culture, visions of feminine charm and reworked classic fairy tales. But what happens when instead of showing these fictional women as beautiful shining figures, you surround them with filth and death? Click... read more ›
6K reads
Sometimes shooting from the air is essential. While there are increasingly more options besides a helicopter (we've shot more with R/C helis in recent years - click here and click here to see some of the highlights of these fun toys) sometimes there is simply no substitute for a good old-fashioned chopper. For example, the shoot we're currently working here in Cape Town with Mike Horn and crew demanded that we take to the air... read more ›
9.7K reads
Here, for your weekend viewing pleasure, are 15 of the best swimming, lifting,hammer throwing, volleyball, fencing, shotputting, gymnastics, track & field, diving, horseback riding, and kayaking photos currently on the internet. We've culled through hundreds (fun job) and these are our favorites. Click through the image tabs above to see the stunning photos that demonstrate the exciting thrill of victory and the stunning agony of defeat (Egyptian... read more ›
7.5K reads
Jerard here from Chase's crew. I love a good road trip. There's nothing like the freedom and discovery of hitting the road with no real destination, no particular schedule and nothing but miles as your mission. I've driven the blue highways across the whole of America almost twenty times. Four times on a motorcycle. In all of those miles, there are some memories that fade into the blur... read more ›
1.3K reads
Inspiration is everywhere. Sometimes you just have to look in unexpected places. Like the past. Whidbey Island, WA photographer Jim Adams has done something you don't see every day: time travel photography. He finds a location that presents a compelling image, does a ton of research to find historical images, and then carefully overlays old with new to blend decades - even centuries - into a single image.... read more ›
2.4K reads
Hi friends, Megan here - I'm Chase's primary on-staff producer. We just wrapped up a commercial shoot for a major sporting goods company and it required a monster amount of production. These tips are fresh on my mind and since it was a highly specialized sport shoot on a short time-frame (ie: challenging from a production standpoint) I thought I’d talk a little about the casting process for this type of job. First, as you... read more ›
2.2K reads
One of the most powerful things about creating images is the magic of bending reality with a camera. In the middle of a city of steel, a single flower can be framed to create the illusion of nature. No one even knows the surrounding scenery exists. Forced Perspective photography is intriguing: it manipulates human perception with things like size, positioning and scale. Click through the tabs above... read more ›
10.9K reads
One image can be so powerful - able to elicit strong emotions and social awareness in an instant. Consider this project by a photographer who portraits elderly animals with a Hasselblad as a way to cope with her own mother having Alzheimer’s. The photographs she created are profound and heart wrenching, a unique look into aging with subjects we oftentimes overlook. Click through the tabs above to see some of her evocative images. The photographer’s... read more ›
2.5K reads
10 years ago or more, I made the trek to Pamplona, Spain for the annual running of the bulls. No intent to run, just a hope to learn something, watch a 400 year old phenomenon I'd read about in Hemingway's the Sun Also Rises, and engage my passive interest in watching mostly drunk party kids dodge the freight train-esqe bulls...or not. Let's just say I came away with all that an more. Given that the... read more ›
4.2K reads
Welcome back to a series of posts I’m calling Emerging Talent – where I’m spotlighting the work of photographers and filmmakers on the rise. Some are shooters that me and my spies will uncover from 500px or Flickr – others might already be shooting campaigns, but in both cases I don’t care about what the “industry” says. This is simply work I like. I... read more ›
5.2K reads