One of the most common misconceptions I come across is the belief that once you’ve somehow “made it," I / one / you don’t hit ruts, bumps, run into blocks, or otherwise get paralyzed by the creative work that needs doing. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. I get thrown for a loop all the time. I’ve found myself off my game at numerous times in my career, getting lost for a... read more ›
26.8K reads
People that have "done it" will be able to do it again. Whether it's shooting a successful commercial assignment, hanging in a museum, making a music video, or whatever. It may not be a de-facto truth, but that's what's believed on the open market. It's SAFER for the person hiring a creative if they can point to something that you've already done. One reason I get a lot of work is that I've done a... read more ›
1.4K reads
If you're doing something that's never been done before, how can you make the perfect plan? Whether it's an art concept, a picture, a business model, or a meal: you can't. Innovation, by definition, has no road map. Important: the same goes with creativity. That's why I like people who "do" and fail, a helluva lot more than people who just sit around and talk about it. Randy Nelson of Pixar says it... read more ›
2.2K reads