Real heli's and remote octo-copters. Flying cameras and world-class athletes. Lots of hard work and a great campaign for one legendary resort. Earlier this year in March you may have tuned into my live-updates while shooting the 2012-2013 campaign for Aspen/Snowmass resort. Amidst our 20 hour days we were able to kick out behind the scenes photos, some daily blog posts and a few other things highlighting our work (thanks to Aspen for being incredibly... read more ›
1.3K reads
Last year during our winter photo/video campaign for REI, Chase asked me to shoot a few behind the scenes stills every day to contribute to his Diary of a Shoot blog series. The following is what he got in return. This is what happens when you ask the video guy to shoot stills. Too fast for you? Take spin through Chase's blog series for the daily play by play of the shoot. It's... read more ›
1.4K reads
Whew! Days 5 & 6 of our shoot for Aspen are in the can and we've celebrated a massive success. The weather drama we were expecting passed us by, unaffected, and we kept the sun in the sky the entirely of the two days. Click through the tabs above to check a bunch more behind-the-scenes images shot mostly by the... read more ›
1K reads
Day 4 here, coming at you--almost live--from Aspen/Snowmass. We've had an epic previous 3 days...and today the weather turned milky on us. Just white everywhere, with no we took the morning off which allowed me to wrangle a bunch of behind-the-scenes photos for your viewing pleasure. 30-something photos here from our iPhones, point and shoots, micro 4/3's etc. Big thanks to Andrew, Erik, and Jerard mostly for helping me compile some of these. Click... read more ›
2.2K reads
Heading into Day 3 during our Aspen/Snowmass campaign, the weather report was looking sketchy. Lo and behold, we were completely wrong--the weather shifted to pure glory and we were able to make some amazing photos again today with the collaboration of a solid crew. Thought I'd save some time/energy from doing some typing, so here's my video journal breakdown of the day... Highlights: -surprise perfect weather -more work with Chris Davenport, world-renowned skier/mountaineer... read more ›
928 reads
Yesterday's scout was epic. After waking at 3:55am Seattle time, flying Seattle >> Denver >> Aspen we arrived and hiked our asses up to 12,395 feet of elevation. Sea level to 12 grand in a few hours. Good for the heart and mind - hard on the lungs. Our scout + the weather report (scheduled for perfect sunshine) yielded information... read more ›
622 reads
Last week, I lost a dear, dear friend. Many of you probably heard about the fatal avalanche at Stevens Pass, WA, that claimed three lives. It made international news. My close pal Chris Rudolph was one of the victims. At just 30 years old, he was one of the kindest, most generous, talented people I knew. He loved the mountains. He loved to ski in the rain. He was the Ambassador of all things Rad.... read more ›
6.9K reads
Last week when I posted the broadcast commercial for REI that I recently directed, I promised a behind-the-scenes vid. So here 'tis -- the focus here on the epic aerial shots we nailed using a remote-operated RC helicopter flying an onboard camera, curtesy of our friends at FreeFly Cinema. Hope you dig it. Also--since a lot of y'all have been asking via social channels--I figured I'd give a second-by-second, shot-by-shot breakdown of the... read more ›
4.1K reads
VERY stoked to finally share some of my latest commercial director work that's playing all over your TV's here in the USA. It's the new 30 second broadcast TV spot for that great outdoor brand, REI. Remember all these posts back in March, chronicling the day by day shooting of a video-and-print campaign-all-in-one shoot?...working through some curveball weather challenges? Well, this spot here is one of the fruits of that labor. As you... read more ›
1.6K reads
Apologies that today's post is bit late, but that's cause I'm tied up...ahem..."working". Here's Scott finishing the morning work session. Might be spring where you're at, but it's the dead of winter here at Stevens Pass and that's just fine with me. Continue reading
383 reads