A while back I received an e-mail from a guy named Mike Ducille. It was an invitation to Mike's book club, which includes a number of other like-minded creators and entrepreneurs. Some topics we get into: Lessons learned from a failed app launch- what do you do after a major failure? I'm not talking about a little mis-step. How do you bounce back from a potentially career-stifling blow? The psychology of money (check out Ramit... read more ›
263 reads
Ditch the idea of yourself as a starving artist. Throw away the notion that you’re doomed to be another poor creative soul. My long time pal Ramit Sethi is back on the show to remind us we need to get back on track to building and living a rich life. And believe me, that doesn’t have to mean cutting back the lattes. Ramit has been on the show a few times, but if you haven’t... read more ›
798 reads
No one has single-handedly given me better insight about the business side of art than the New York Times bestselling author, Ramit Sethi. He’s a business savant, mindset master, habit king, and money maker. Ramit is a regular on the show by now, and this episode is the first one we did together. It was such a hit and I still get so much positive feedback on how powerful his advice is that we had... read more ›
6.9K reads
When I saw this recent post strike a nerve, it motivated me to share this post from my man Ramit Sethi on charging what you're worth. Today he's back by popular demand to share a simple one-two approach to setting your prices and upping your earning potential. Pencils ready? Okay, take it away Ramit. Thanks, Chase. I recently asked a photographer how she came up with her pricing. She said, “Well... I researched my competition and found... read more ›
23.8K reads
How many times have you told yourself “I know I should _____, but [insert excuse here]”? And how much progress would you have made toward your goals if you were able to silence that voice and get rid of the excuses that keep you from putting in the work that you know you should? If you’re like most of us, you’d rather not answer those questions— but as you’ll learn from this great conversation with... read more ›
6.9K reads
BACKSTORY Today is a big day - many months (years) in the making. Today I'm excited to be kicking off one of the most exciting, inspiring and ambitious projects of my career: a free video series called 30 Days Of Genius. If you've been following me for a while you'll know that chasejarvisLIVE has been a huge undertaking - me sitting down with the world's top creatives + entrepreneurs for an hour conversation with them... read more ›
8.3K reads
My dear friend Lewis Howes recently asked me a damn good question. If you could - what would you tell your younger self? My answer sucked. But he told me HIS answer and I thought his answer was a good one... So good in fact that I wished I'd had learned the lessons much much earlier in life. I tried to write this in my own voice, but since the list and story weren't mine... read more ›
33.5K reads
Hi friends, back atcha here with another #cjRAW. You might remember in Episode 10, I asked for you to tag your questions #heychase and I'd answer those questions? Well, you did your part, and now I'll do mine. In this episode I answer the following questions from this community. I go deep on some, quick on others, but tell me in the comments below or on social that I'm adding value... And of course feel... read more ›
633 reads
This is a public service announcement that I think is valuable... I'm banking you know I'm co-founder over at creativeLIVE - where we've delivered more than 15 million viewer hours of creative education worldwide. (If you're new, here's stories about it in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Chicago Tribune, TechCrunch, AllThingsD, etc and stay tuned for my MSNBC segment coming in 2 weeks...) This is a short-notice opportunity to take advantage... read more ›
663 reads
Put bluntly, if we creatives want to make a real livelihood with our work - we need to realize that the business end of the stick if we're holding. And while you know I'm always up for the occasional rant on this topic, I today decided to save myself a few blood vessels and some hot air, and instead passed the baton over to my homie, best-selling business/finance author and master of psychology, Ramit Sethi.... read more ›
5.1K reads