Growing up, we build up layer after layer after layer of protection to keep ourselves safe. Every time we say something weird in class and the other kids laugh at us or we get picked last for a team, every time we put ourselves out there and fall flat on our faces, another layer of scar tissue is added. Eventually our real selves, and everything that makes us worth knowing, are buried. The central relational... read more ›
1.3K reads
Are you held back by a fear of rejection or failure? You're not alone. In fact, fear of rejection is incredibly pervasive in our culture. But what if there was a way to turn rejection into a tool for personal growth and success? But what if there was a way to turn rejection into a tool for personal growth and success? What if, instead of trying and failing to avoid rejection, we leaned into it?... read more ›
904 reads
Have you ever said "yes" to a project (no matter how small) and really dreaded it? In fact, you end up wondering why you didn't just say no? Creatives often face a unique challenge when it comes to saying "no": knowing what to prioritize and not letting fear of missing out take over. When you say yes for the wrong reasons (even if we'll intentioned), you're working against the things you really want while damaging... read more ›
1.1K reads
Let’s face it, when you put new creative ideas into the world few people understand it. Others may reject it. Overall it’s likely you’ll be met with resistance. That’s ok. Get used to it. Build that muscle. 💪🏼 Listen to the Podcast <span style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" data-mce-type="bookmark" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span> Cynicism is Poison You know as well as I do that some people in our lives discourage us and weigh us down... read more ›
811 reads
Standing Out Isn't Easy It takes a lot of courage to embrace our own creativity. It's not easy. When we declare our pursuits to those closest to us, they're not carrying the same passion for it that we are. They're not bad people that want to see us miserable. They don't understand, our passion drives us. It's the people who love us the most that will react. It's very common for loved ones to want... read more ›
1.1K reads
After a difficult divorce, Jason Mesnick wanted to rediscover himself, rekindle his sense of adventure, and try something new. That was his mantra. And it sparked an unexpected journey that pushed him into the leading role in the 13th season of The Bachelor. Though he presents himself as a “normal guy” he clearly has lived an extraordinary reality tv experience that so few of us have (and of course we talk about this in depth,... read more ›
925 reads
It's fair to say that I'm obsessed with the human spirit. It is amazing, bizarre and lovely at the same time and it can accomplish unthinkable things in the face of the most harrowing odds, in the face of challenge, in the face of "never". Which is why I believe in the following quote and the following story that relates to this quote. You may have seen this story 'blow up' on social a few... read more ›
7.2K reads