You may recall a few weeks back I released a video of the behind-the-scenes action for a cool gig I was asked to create for Samsung around their Series 9 Color Premium monitors. It was a dream job in a lot of ways. For one, I got to literally photograph a re-creation of my dreams; for two, on jobs like that I get the opportunity to rub elbows with the best crew ---cinematographers,... read more ›
1.8K reads
A NO BRAINER. When someone comes to you and asks you if you'd like to create a photograph of your most vivid dream on their dime -- let's be clear on this one -- you say YES. Such was the case with Samsung and their creative agency Possible several weeks back. I got one of "those cool phone calls" where all your hard work comes into focus just for a second. (Dialogue in... read more ›
7.3K reads