Does this scenario sound familiar? You've poured countless hours into creating something amazing—perhaps a product, website, artwork, or work presentation. With anticipation, you release it to the world, sharing it with your intended audience. Then... silence. No response, no engagement. It's as if no one cares. Frustrated, you might find yourself enviously eyeing other creators, wondering how they manage to gain traction while your equally impressive work struggles for attention. You review your process, searching... read more ›
214 reads
Let's face it, the pandemic has changed a number of things around us, including remote working, remote events, and even more time on social media. Slowly though, we are emerging from our hovels and in-person events are coming back to life. As concerts, festivals, conferences and many local events are starting to come back, I'm looking forward to reconnecting with everyone IRL (in real life). Don't Forget the Other 50% If you've been hiding behind... read more ›
1.1K reads