Erik here with a quick little weekend video challenge for y’all. In the spirit of Chase’s 60 Second Portraits, we've been toying with AND wanna see some of YOUR... 60 Second Landscapes. So here's a challenge from us to you: Grab your video-capable capturing device and hit the streets/mountains/beaches/what-have-you’s and roll a quick one minute on the best landscape you can find. Perhaps shoot a bunch and then select your favorite. Then, post your results to... read more ›
1.1K reads
As a springboard from all the portrait work I've done over the past three years, I, at some time during that process, became really attuned/enamored/moved by people's faces and started experimenting with a new creative study. Internally we're calling it "60". In short, it's really simple: I'm taking 60 second video portraits of people. No instruction, no direction, no coaching, nothing. Just the camera pointed at them for a minute. Although the concept is simple,... read more ›
2.8K reads