She calls herself a shame and vulnerability researcher, she’s a storyteller, and has one of the most popular ted talks of all time. Brené Brown studies and talks about subjects we’re all intimately familiar with, but most of us rarely discuss. She has deeply, deeply inspired me. She’s a life changer, and a game changer and she also has 3 NYT Best Sellers in the top 10, including her latest book, Rising Strong.
I love this conversation with Brené and we go deep into the things we face as creatives and are working to make sense of. For example, we get into failure, dealing with critics, and how to handle those gremlins in your head telling you you’re not good enough.
He or she has the greatest capacity for discomfort rises the fastest.
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Brené’s episode was featured in the 30 Days of Genius series of Chase Jarvis Live on CreativeLive. If you like this, join 50,000+ people who are receiving one of these videos everyday.
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Some Questions I Ask:
- Tell us about the trilogy of NY Time best sellers you’ve just put out. [2:33]
- Why aren’t we given these tools to cope with emotions early in life? [33:40]
- How do we shut down the voice in our head? [36:40]
- If you could give any advice to your 25 year old self about vulnerability, what would it be? (Audience question) [38:49]
- What should I do about the fear of failing? (Audience question) [51:44]
- How do you switch from saying mean things to yourself to saying kind things? (Audience question) [54:07]
- Do you have any tips on getting the best idea sessions? (Audience question) [59:38]
- Can you talk about safety and trust through the lens of rising strong? [1:01:46]
- Is giving people the benefit of the doubt a crutch? [1:06:00]
- What happens when people we love don’t know how to adapt when we start living whole heartedly? (Audience question) [1:14:00]
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- If you’re brave enough, often enough you are going to fall. [3:55]
- Why it isn’t the critic who counts, but the one in the arena choosing to dare greatly. [6:28]
- What creatives, special forces, and veterans have in common. [8:16]
- There is no such thing as creative and non creative people. [10:17]
- How creativity that has not been used can turn into dangerous things. [10:46]
- The crazy stories your brain makes up to make sense of ambiguity. [12:55]
- What the men and women who have the greatest capacity for rising strong know how to do in the moment of adversity. [15:51]
- What a confabulation is and why you want nothing to do with it. [18:00]
- About the list you should be carrying around with you at all times. [20:20]
- The first step in rising strong: recognizing that you’ve been snagged by emotion and get curious about it. [22:18]
- The average number of emotions people can recognize in themselves. [24:11]
- There is a physiological response to emotion, and how you can use these signs to deal them. [27:36]
- The three most dangerous stories we make up. [33:13]
- That when you own the story, you get to write the ending. [35:35]
- The hack for shutting down the voice in your head. [37:06]
- That you have the opportunity today to choose between living the life you want to live and always pleasing other people. You can’t have both. [39:39]
- What your job as a creative is. [42:30]
- To not share your struggles with people until your healing is not dependent on them. [44:54]
- That he or she has the greatest capacity for discomfort, rises the fastest. [48:44]
- The only people who don’t fail are the people who never put anything out into the world. [52:18 ]
- The benefit of having someone around to brush your knees off after you fall and tell you to get back in the arena. [53:13]
- The important distinction between empathy and sympathy. [58:08]
- The definition of trust and what it means and a handy acronym for remembering it: BRAVING. [1:02:26]
- What it says about you if you don’t think the people around you are doing the best they can. [1:09:20]
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