I live by hard work + hustle — they are some of the key elements to my success and the successes of so many of my peers… but so is recovery. One cannot live at 100mph. One cannot ALWAYS be on a diet, be in peak performance. Rest is mandatory. We either choose to find it in appropriate doses OR our bodies an our lives will choose it for us (crash and burn, get sick, cancer, etc etc). It’s literally impossible to be completely “ON” all the time at a full run. When we give ourselves a little headspace, we gain new opportunities for clarity, creativity, problem solving, and dreams. Creating daily play & creative time can help avoid burn out or getting stuck. It’s all about the long game. Stamina wins. Recovery is essential to health and longevity in love, life, and business.
I don’t often talk about recovery – because in truth I’m not very good at it – but that’s why I wanted to share this video today. I’m working on recovering quickly while still living the full life that I crave.. I know I will always go hard, it’s in my DNA. But how can I optimize the recharging of my batteries? What do I need to do? I made progress on this in 2015, but it’s a big part of my 2016 too. How do I charge hard AND recover quickly, with play time, down time, family time, friend time, quiet time, etc. You get the point. So there it is… I said it 😉
I post YouTube videos weekly. If you like them, subscribe here.
What ways do you recover and is there anything you’re thinking of changing in 2016?
Links from the Episode
cjRAW: My Morning Routine
CreativeLive – Award winning online education. Check it out for education on Photography, Design, Audio, Crafts and Money/Life classes.
What’s Covered
My morning routine [0:16] My secret surprise [0:36] Pool time [1:09] Brunch Rushin’ [1:54] She got bonus points [3:15] Grocery Shopping Confessions [3:57] Riding It Like I Stole It [4:37] 2015 Reflection [5:02] The Daily Lesson [6:46]
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Music By:
Adult Napper
Broke for Free
Graz Core
Kevin MacLeod