Jamie Kern Lima says she’s best known as the ‘Denny’s waitress who built a billion-dollar company’. And she is, for now. But what we don’t know about this groundbreaking entrepreneur is her story or the mindset that got her there. Those secrets and more are the talking points of this podcast episode, in which we discuss Jamie’s inspiring journey of dual self-achievement and self-love.
Who Is Jamie Kern Lima?
Let’s begin with a little bit of the backstory. Jamie Kern Lima is an American entrepreneur and investor who made a name for herself by building an incredibly successful makeup brand. IT Cosmetics started in her living room but quickly grew into a multi-billion dollar company, eventually bought by industry giant L’Oreal for 1. 2 billion cash in 2016. They made Jamie the first woman to hold the title of Chief Executive Officer in the company’s 107-year history. That paid off multifold; she ended up doubling the business’ size within two years and became one of the most well-respected female entrepreneurs in the United States.
But it wasn’t easy by any means. Jamie tells me that she faced countless rejections throughout her journey to the top, and it taught her some serious lessons. The biggest, most success-defining factor of them, she says, is the value of confidence and self-worth.
So often in life... we become what we believe we're worthy of. - Jamie Kern Lima Share on X“I really believe self-worth is actually our ceiling to a lot of things. We so often in life… we become what we believe we’re worthy of.” Jamie explains.
“My real story is a girl who did not know how to believe in herself for the longest time but had big dreams and goals and hopes and these feelings of expression and creation I wanted to offer the world and then trying to learn to believe I was worthy of those things.”
Today, she’s an advocate for self-esteem who encourages other creators and entrepreneurs alike to put their ideas out there with full-fledged confidence.
1. Distinguish Between Self-Confidence and Self-Worth
Before going any further, it’s worth taking a second to clear two important terms up, because we’ll be discussing them a lot. Despite often being used interchangeably, confidence and self-worth are not the same thing. They’re two different concepts that we need to be able to differentiate in order to have true self-esteem.
Definition of confidence: Confidence is the feeling self-assurance and certainty in a specific situation. It can be fleeting and situational, meaning it may come and go depending on the circumstances. For example, someone may feel confident in their public speaking abilities but lack confidence when it comes to social interactions.
Definition of self-worth: Self-worth is how we value ourselves as individuals. It’s the belief that we are inherently valuable and deserving of love, respect, and all the good things life has to offer. Unlike confidence, self-worth is not situational; it is a fundamental part of who we are.
The key takeaway is that one doesn’t come without the other. We need to fully accept and love ourselves to have true confidence, Jamie explains.
Think of self-worth as the seed and self-confidence as the flower. How are you going to convince others that your ideas and feelings are valid when you don’t believe in them yourself?
2. Learn to See Your Own Beauty, Power, and Enoughness
A big reason why so many of us have self-confidence issues is the nature of the world itself. It’s a harsh, unforgiving place out there – one in which most people learn they’ll be judged from a young age. While part of the problem is indeed external, and we could all benefit by being a little nicer to each other, a lot of it is our own making. The very expectation of rejection creates a mindset of self-doubt. And it affects almost everyone.
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“When you look at all the data, the amount of feeling like we are unworthy out there or that we are not enough, is the majority of us,” Jamie says.
She points out some telling statistics;
- 80 percent of women don’t believe they’re enough.
- 73 percent of men feel inadequate and not enough.
- 75 percent of female executives deal with imposter syndrome.
- 91 percent of girls and women don’t love their bodies.
3. Realize What You’re Missing Out On
Your comfort zone will kill you. If not immediately, then slowly over time through broken dreams and missed opportunities. All because of a lack of confidence. Jamie has been rejected a lot, but she has also found headway in plenty of unexpected places. If it weren’t for her self-belief and ability to push past rejection, she wouldn’t be where she is today.
4. Understand That Your Potential Is Capped By Your Self-Worth
To expand upon the last point of missed opportunities, Jamie explains that many people don’t even realize they’re missing out on potential success because their self-worth is limiting them.
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It’s something she’s dealt with personally. As the first in her family to attend post-secondary school, she initially struggled with imposter syndrome and doubted her abilities. But once she started believing in herself and setting higher goals, she was able to achieve more than she ever thought possible.
5. Reframe the Inner Voice
Although mostly subconscious, our perception of self-worth can both manifest and be changed with enough work. It starts with identifying that ‘little voice’ inside your head that instinctively fires off doubt in situations of uncertainty – a protection mechanism trying to convince us to keep to ourselves in fear of being rejected.
This inner voice can be rooted in past experiences, traumas, and societal expectations. It tells us we’re not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough to achieve what we desire. But the reality is that this little voice isn’t always right. In fact, it’s often dead wrong.
Jamie says the first step to silencing this inner critic is by recognizing and acknowledging it. When we bring awareness to our thoughts and feelings, we can start to challenge them and replace them with more positive, supportive ones.
6. Rethink Rejection
It can also be helpful to recognize that rejection isn’t all that bad. As she frames it, rejection is an opportunity for redirection. It’s a sign that we’re pushing our boundaries and likewise, a telling sign that we’re on the right track towards growth and success.
7 Ways to Boost Self Esteem and Feel Worthy of Your Success | Jamie Kern Lima Share on X
7. Surround Yourself with the Right People
Anyone can believe in themselves. What makes continuing to do so hard is the people around us. When we’re constantly surrounded by negativity and doubt, it’s easy to fall into those same patterns ourselves. Jamie is a big advocate for surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in your potential and encourage you to keep going.
If there’s one overarching thing you should take away from our conversation today, it’s the maxim Jamie lives by: go bravely and boldly. Whether someone is an artist, a creator, or an entrepreneur, they can benefit from this mentality. I highly recommend reading Jamie’s new book, ‘WORTHY: How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life‘ to dive deeper into the power of self-belief and learn how to apply it in your own journey.
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