Even at our most creative moments, we could go further if it were not for that little voice inside our head.
And that little voice puts up roadblocks. Sometimes those roadblocks are real, but more often those roadblocks are completely constructed from nothing but irrational fear or the most basic of actions. Perhaps knowing that other people share many of the same silly roadblocks–and even knowing what some of them are–will help us all move through them.
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So today’s post is simple. Let’s put it out there. Just complete the sentence “I’d be more creative if…”
I’ll start us off. I’d be more creative if I more regularly created the quietness in my life that creativity requires.
Now it’s your turn.
[Why Do We Fail poster by Allen Ruppersberg]
I’d be more creative if I had accountability.
I would be more creative if was more disciplined with my time and money.
For all those people who blame their lack of creativity on their camera equipment or lack there of, I have to tell you all that out of the past 5 years I’ve been practicing photography 4 of them I used point & shoot cameras, I knew I was limited but I loved to take photos so I learned to master those cameras and use every single feature on them and studied composition and just kept taking photos. I now have an SLR but it’s an old Nikon D100, only 6 mp, with third party flashes and ebay transmitters, but I use what I have and I’ll use it all till I can’t any more. I bought the camera with old dirty lenses for $535, and I have made over a $1000 with my photography in the past 8 months or so and I haven’t even owned my SLR for a whole year yet.
My advice to you all is to just use what you have and keep using it, and use it some more, don’t ever let your excuse for your lack of creativity be because you don’t own some mechanical piece of equipment.
I’d more creative if I could…watch how Chase Jarvis works a little more 😉
(You are a big influence and inspiration to a lot of creative people who probably ask themselves this question a lot!)
I’d be more creative when I let go and let ideas unfold on its own… and not worry about having the routine of a day job to interrupt such moments.
………….if I didn’t fear criticism.