Find your thing and do that thing better than anybody else does that thing even if you think that thing has no value because I promise you that it does. And I promise you that other people will see this value too. [I'll continue to post these little notes I scribble out--little journal notes--if you like dig em. Please let me know here, G+ or Twitter. I write them using Amazing Type-writer app for iPhone.... read more ›
5.6K reads
Hopefully you got a laugh from my video earlier this week where I literally blended (as in put them in a blender) in parody fashion an old Polaroid analog camera and a digital point and shoot, to give birth to the new Polaroid Z340 (avail here)... Well...we had a blast making the video, but we DID experience a full-on blender blowout in the final stage of blending!! (watch the original, see if you... read more ›
361 reads
If you weren't one of the 25,000+ people who watched this show on the day it was broadcast or if you couldn't take notes fast enough and need to see it again, we rallied and pulled together a YouTube re-watch for you & your comrades... I was lucky enough to host business guru and #1 Amazon and New York Times Best-Selling author Ramit Sethi for a hard-hitting, no BS chasejarvis LIVE focused on... read more ›
6.2K reads
Last week when I posted the broadcast commercial for REI that I recently directed, I promised a behind-the-scenes vid. So here 'tis -- the focus here on the epic aerial shots we nailed using a remote-operated RC helicopter flying an onboard camera, curtesy of our friends at FreeFly Cinema. Hope you dig it. Also--since a lot of y'all have been asking via social channels--I figured I'd give a second-by-second, shot-by-shot breakdown of the... read more ›
4.1K reads
Got a wild hair one day last week and had a BLAST making this little video about the new Polaroid Z340 -- a blend of old analog and new digital technologies. Hope you dig it enough to have a laugh, watch it again, and forward to your friends. Polaroid has never been about specs or crazy high end performance, they’re about fun, instant prints, and kitsch. The Z340 delivers on that - perfect... read more ›
1.5K reads
What does a stream of non-stop 24/7 creative education look like? It looks like looks for the rest of 2011. That’s right...24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the rest of the year, you can check out the most popular segments of streaming video education (there's even a published schedule on that page...) on lighting, fundamentals of photography, studio setup, gear, Photoshop, Aperture, Lightroom, InDesign, fashion photography, wedding photography, portraiture, retouching, filmmaking,... read more ›
520 reads
In case you missed our December 6th episode of Chase Jarvis LIVE, it was all about the portfolio. We had Allegra Wilde, visual strategist and co-founder of on the show, talking about common mis-steps and some of the best ways for your work to get noticed. She even gave us a quick portfolio review and a sneak peek at her upcoming service You missed quite the show, indeed, but luckily the re-watch of... read more ›
1.7K reads
VERY stoked to finally share some of my latest commercial director work that's playing all over your TV's here in the USA. It's the new 30 second broadcast TV spot for that great outdoor brand, REI. Remember all these posts back in March, chronicling the day by day shooting of a video-and-print campaign-all-in-one shoot?...working through some curveball weather challenges? Well, this spot here is one of the fruits of that labor. As you... read more ›
1.5K reads
Erik here...As the resident video editor here at Chase Jarvis Inc, I’m on a never ending search for music. Often times the music drives the edit. The rhythm of the music can have a huge influence on the pace for the cuts and the mood can make a hilarious moment tragic. In other instances I get the luxury of having custom music created which is based on my edit of the footage. When that opportunity... read more ›
1.5K reads
Flying Rhinos from Green Renaissance on Vimeo. This story of Rhino rescue is beautifully told and heartwarming. Cheers to the people of Green Renaissance. BUTTTT...the VISUALS from this story? They are simply mind-blowing. Hey Team, keep doing your stuff.
1.4K reads