Is it just me, or is there something dreadfully bizzare just off with this whole thingie? The Gothamist thinks so. So seriously, am I off my rocker being sort of suspended in disbelief? Here's the behind the scenes video from, which was even weirder...
2K reads
Want to know about commitment to your art? Think you have what it takes? Listen up. For the last 40 years, Sam Abell has worked as a documentary photographer, primarily for National Geographic. In this video interview for the Atlantic (created by Alex Hoyt & Ross McDermott), Sam recounts his year-long quest to find the perfect image for a story. No excuses about modern timelines, budgets, or any of that. When was the last time... read more ›
1.2K reads
Lots of people would have called Chris Jordan crazy to leave a career as a well-paid attorney to pursue a career as a fine art photographer with a cause-based mission to document the human impact on the world. That is, they would have called him crazy, until they saw his work and the impact that work is having. Gallery shows, museums, speaking gigs, documentary films, and moving the world to action. That's why you must... read more ›
536 reads
Damn if the weather this summer hasn't alternated between drought conditions and torrential storms. One week the plants are wilting, the next, they're looking for a snorkel, trying their damnedest not to drown. Sorta the same with people. For us USA'ers, this weekend is a holiday weekend, but regardless where you are, this weekend largely marks the beginning of a seasonal shift. As such, I've found 9 reasons that you should get off your arse,... read more ›
676 reads
The following is a transcription excerpt from a conversation a while back on #cjLIVE between yours truly and my dear friend, Pulitzer Prize winning photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet where we discuss gear, professional career, creative vision and more. We've got it on video (link at end of this post), but I think the transcript is nice because you can skim the conversation in just a couple minutes. And there are some nuggets in there... read more ›
648 reads
Elizabeth Weinberg has talent and vision. PDN magazine called her one of 30 emerging photographers to watch in 2010, and they were spot-on. In this interview by Rachel Hulin, Elizabeth shares how she landed her agent, what it means, and why. Tell us about your representation; when did you join your current agency, and how did you choose to partner with them? I signed with Hello Artists in October of 2010. I was looking to... read more ›
1.6K reads
If you know anything about me, you know that creating multi-disciplinary, socially enabled art AND getting unlikely people together into one community are really important tenets to my career and my life. It’s with that in mind that I’m today spilling the beans to you about a project on which I’ve quietly been building for the past couple months in collaboration with my friends at Polaroid. It’s a group art show called 50 | 50... read more ›
1K reads
Inspiration can come from anywhere, and books have always been a great source for me. But so many of the books that are recommended in creative circles are solely how-to. How to be more creative, how to be less afraid, how to make the business or career of your dreams, etc. If put in balance with other reading this can be great, important stuff. But it's not a magic bullet and their normally not prescribed... read more ›
3.9K reads
700 miles wide and growing, threat level EXTREME. This photograph from NASA is just mind blowing. Was supposed to be in NYC this coming week, but all that got cancelled. Keeping all you east-coasters top of mind this weekend–our thoughts are with you.
292 reads
Whereas most photographers think any paying gig is a good gig, Jonathon Kambouris knows otherwise. Perhaps more than most, he's come to know that great personal work wins commercial campaigns that are right in his wheelhouse. As the saying goes, when you do what you really love, you never work a day in your life... First, here are seventeen facts about Mr. Kambouris. Below those, we get into the nitty gritty and get him dropping... read more ›
1.4K reads