Whenever us creative types get together, or--come to think of it--even when we're alone, it's usually all about "me", "my", or "we" or "I". What is MY next gig, what am I doing to improve MY portfolio, MY solo exhibition, MY client list, MY ad campaign, MY blog, MY bank account, gear locker, self-promo mailer, vision... You get the point. Don't deny it. As a result, we can be overly paranoid, competitive, frustrated, cocky, going... read more ›
1.1K reads
This Wednesday I'll be hosting pulitzer-prize winning photographer, award winning director, and my good pal Vincent Laforet into my studio for another broadcast of chasejarvisLIVE. In this 90 minute show, we'll talk shop, cut thru all the fluff, cut past Reverie and all the hubub to the meat of the things that matter. We'll also be taking your questions LIVE via my @chasejarvis twitter handle, hashtag #cjLIVE. It's free. It's live. Just point your web... read more ›
507 reads
Wanted to announce that we officially have a new AUDIO podcast called the Chase Jarvis LIVE Show. This show will feature long form content where my photographer, filmmaker, guests, friends, and/or yours truly are primarily talking...things like all the chasejarvisLIVE interviews (featuring worldclass creative talent) + maybe some surprises along the way. You can find our audio podcast and/or subscribe to it here on iTunes. AND you can now find show notes from the latest shows by going... read more ›
3.2K reads
Our digital cinema guru, Erik, wanted to take a minute to chat gear with you. This is his second guest post, so please give him another warm welcome... This post is another installment of a series that our staff is doing about the gear that we consider essential for our work...the stuff we don't leave home without. When shooting behind the scenes videos and even some of our commercial work, we shoot with HDSLRs whenever... read more ›
1.7K reads
The same faces and places, just completely re-created 20, 30 or 40 years later. This isn't the first time a photographer has gone back to recreate moments from the past, but this series by Argentinian photographer Irina Werning is just done exceedingly well. Great concept, great execution. The attention to detail is impressive. The images are charismatic, even dynamic in their stillness. Not just with wardrobe and set, but with film stock, blur, image damage,... read more ›
1.6K reads
Everyone on the our team brings an expertise and excellence to the group that is unique. As an example, Scott's Photoshop chops are stellar, Kate is an uber-producer, Erik is the bees knees with digital cinema, and the list goes on... One of Dartanyon's strong suits is digital printing. He's been around digital output from the near beginning of color desktop printing.... read more ›
13K reads
You could probably assume as much, but in the event that you didn't know, NYC Fashion week is a huge event from which many of the forthcoming year's fashion statements and styles emerge. It's big for the fashion industry, and fashion PHOTOGRAPHY of course follows suit. But while the fashion mags and fashion blogs and fashion photogs always go nuts during these semi-annual events that smatter the globe--and I admit to dig following along from... read more ›
557 reads
Adding cinema/motion/video to my base skill set as originally a still-only photographer has been a big, fun challenge for me. Creatively, professionally, and technically. It's also been good for business. I've noticed that, like anything engaging, it's an ever-evolving, never-satisfied skill set that can be grown quickly by learning from--and with--others. That's precisely why the fine folks at creativeLIVE.com have brought back one of the top HdDSLR instructors in the world, a good friend of... read more ›
498 reads
[Howdy, Scott here again. This is the third of a three part series on the steps I take when location scouting as Chase's lead assistant. In the first two posts we discussed virtual scouting and weather. Now we've done everything that we can do from a desk and it's time to put the rubber to the road. Good old fashioned Location Scouting.] Let's assume we have decided on a region we think will have the... read more ›
2.7K reads
Whoa. Again, love how opinionated we all are. Over 1000 opinions in 18 hours. Love love it. If you happened to miss yesterday's post, we asked for your help in choosing between two images during an edit. And, just as in previous A vs. B posts, I promised to follow up with MY preference of images and a discussion about the comparison. So here are my thoughts....(hit 'continue reading') Continue reading
383 reads