Whenever Michael Jordan gets on the golf course and his friends ask the stakes of the game--how much money they're betting against one another--rumor has it that his stock response is: "Whatever makes you nervous." That's what you should bet on yourself, every time. Not what makes you comfortable, but what makes you nervous. Your muscles get stronger by running, jumping, lifting weights, by stressing them out, by pushing them, not by sitting on the... read more ›
3K reads
You know Jeremy Cowart. He's an amazing portrait, entertainment, and travel photographer from Nashville - and also the founder of the great Help-Portrait. Lucky for us, we're dragging him up to Seattle for another smash-tastically sweet episode of chasejarvisLIVE tomorrow. I'll sit down with Jeremy for 90 minutes and talk shop. I'm banking that we'll learn how, after shifting from graphic design just a few years ago, how he has enjoyed dramatic success shooting music,... read more ›
450 reads
For USA readers, yesterday was Thanksgiving - I spent the day with family, being thankful for so much. For the international readers, I hope you joined in yesterday, or perhaps will join me in some thankfulness today. Front and center on my list of things to be thankful for are: health, family, and community. Health makes the whole thing possible; family--immediate and extended--gives me the daily dose of what love really means, as well as... read more ›
486 reads
The Kuwait Times, Gizmodo and Engadget have reported that the government of Kuwait has outlawed DSLR cameras. "The Ministries of Information, Social Affairs and Finance (hello, 1984!) have collectively decided to ban the use of the chunky shooters in public places, except where it can be shown that it's for journalistic purposes." - Engadget. ---UPDATE---- The Kuwait Times Newspaper has rescinded this story. Go figure. ___________ This ban reportedly affects tourists too, so if you're... read more ›
1.1K reads
Fraction Magazine today launched their annual Holiday Print Sale where, for between $30 and $100 bucks, you can purchase some pretty stunning original photographic art work. I got a DM from them this morning about the sale, went over and took a peek, and was positively struck by a lot of the work. The hook? The hook is that there is no hook. 100% of... read more ›
699 reads
If you're like me, you probably use your iphone/android/whatever phone camera as a visual journal. Certainly I shoot creative photos with it, but I'm also constantly generating snapshots of things I like, patterns, ideas, magazine covers, ads, and other stuff that act as inspiration or reminders for me to check out something in greater detail later when I've got more time. Well, Google's new-ish app "Google Goggles" capitalizes on this. Snap a photo, do a... read more ›
1.8K reads
Happy Friday. I'm on the road today, but thought I'd squeeze in this video I found interesting. It illustrates--without all the CGI and Hollywood set, post production, and mojo coverup--some cool interplay between stunt men/women and a few RED cinema cameras on booms, jibs, cables and handheld. Basically, it's a BTS stunt training video. You'll need to slide into the vid a bit you see the actual cameras (the target of this vid... read more ›
372 reads
I heard it again yesterday for the billionth time: "Digital Photography". Isn't it time we drop the word 'digital'? Seems we've managed to drop the "electric" from "electric guitar" in common parlance. We found it easy to drop the word "acrylic" from "acrylic painting" when that came on the scene with oils. We quickly ditched the "digital" from "digital music" when it took the lead over records and tapes and CDs. I suppose by-and-large our... read more ›
2.6K reads
Many of you know the amazing portrait, entertainment, and travel photographer Jeremy Cowart. Well, good news is here: Jeremy is doing a creativeLIVE course on Experimental Portraiture in Photography. The two-day course is December 2nd and 3rd. If you've ever wanted to know more about portraits, how to shoot first-time models or what it's like to photograph celebrities, this is not to be missed. And remember it's worldwide and it's free to watch LIVE. There... read more ›
548 reads
In the past several days, I've received a ton of correspondence asking if I'd re-post my chasejarvisLIVE Keynote address from the PDN Photo Plus Expo in NYC last week. You asked for it, you got it. At about the 25-or-so minute mark, I wrap up my monologue and invite a handful of guests on stage, all of whom I consider my friends who are living my message. I think you'll be quite engaged.... read more ›
6.5K reads