I can't help but think that somebody forgot to dot an i or cross a t somewhere, because yours truly has just been asked to give away $100,000 of somebody else's money. Yep you read that correctly. 100. LARGE. That somebody is Nikon, and I'm not alone in this endeavor. I've got some accomplices: Rainn Wilson (from 'The Office') and Justine Ezarik (iJustine). The three of us have been charged with choosing one winner in... read more ›
431 reads
[Update: just got an email from Zeke at Trade Secret Cards. He wanted me to let you know he's already sold about 25% of his inventory in just 3 weeks. He's hoping to have unloaded the 5000 number by the end of the year... Let me put some of that money back into the photo industry... He's also posted a YouTube clip of a photo tip I gave him from the interview here.]I love it... read more ›
419 reads
Short notice is the best notice. If you're in Toronto or NYC this week, I'd love to cross paths. Here's what I know:First. This Thursday November 12th at 7:30pm I'm excited to be giving a chat about creativity on behalf of the Canadian Association of Photographers and Illustrators. Open to the public - please tell your mates. I'll also be signing The Best Camera Is The One That's With You. Books will be on sale... read more ›
229 reads
I wrote about Jeremy Cowart's great idea for a collective "give back" holiday project earlier. Behind the scenes, Jeremy and a handful of fellow photogs have been doing some legwork. There's now a Help-Portrait site with more information and inspiration. We're all planning to help. Please consider getting involved. Tell us below that you plan on it too, and then begin to organize your efforts and/or efforts in your area now. --Get my every... read more ›
195 reads
This one has been a long time coming. Today, I'm happy and proud to share with you my first foray into music videos. It's a video for The Blakes titled "Ramshackle Hearse." You may remember my love affair with the band. Ever since I put their track "Don't Bother Me" behind Chase Jarvis RAW: Advance Testing the Nikon D90, I've been enamored with their rough pop sound. It's after midnight now, and I'm holed... read more ›
701 reads
I've had the good fortune of being invited to join distinguished hosts on a handful of photo industry podcasts recently. Here are a few links if you might be interested in hearing us yap. Many thanks to the gracious podcasters below. Photo FocusListen to the podcast here.This Week In Photography (TWIP)Listen to the Podcast here.Typical ShutterbugListen to the podcast here.Camera DojoListen to the Podcast here.MACiLife/KZYK RadioListen to the podcast here.--Get my every move: Follow Chase... read more ›
312 reads
Of all the behind the scenes stuff we've showed in recent vids, the one techie thing that far-and-away led to the most questions from readers was the part in this video where I'm photographing X Games uber-skiers Simon Dumont, Colby James West, TJ Shiller, Peter Olenick, and Nick Heine in New Zealand using strobes at 8 frames per second. That's right, all that stuff for the SanDisk campaign you remember reading about earlier. Rail... read more ›
8.3K reads
I've been on the road almost non-stop since we shot the SanDisk campaign in NZ last month, but I'd promised that there was a bit more followup to come as we wrap up post production back at the studio. In this vid, for example (in the spirit of the oldie-but-still-relevant Chase Jarvis CURRENT: 32 Questions vid) I jam through a selection of about 30 questions I'd been asked via the online channels, from creative direction... read more ›
189 reads
First, a huge thanks to those of you who have sent me photos of yourselves with my new book "The Best Camera Is The One That's With You". It's been fun and inspiring and great to see the book in far-off places like Japan and Paris. Lots of new faces and some familiar ones.But more than that, you've got me fired up. I just stumbled across this link on my book's Amazon.com page (directly beneath... read more ›
221 reads
Is it just me, or are we all a bit more creative when we have some distance between ourselves and our chaos?Living life - be it adventure, struggle, conflict or resolution - gives us the bedrock of artistic inspiration. But if you're anything like me, actualizing that inspiration requires moments of calm.Case in point: Just sitting here working my ass off in the studio, 10pm on a Friday night...the last few weeks have been a... read more ›
337 reads