In case you’re still more worried about your business cards and your website than your photography, Leila Courey, Art Buyer at Leo Burnett will set you straight:
I don’t mind if photographers want to bling out their promos for extra attention as long as the quality of the work goes along with it. What I don’t dig, is photographers spending what looks like a ton of money on business cards, expensive promos or portfolios meanwhile they really need to spend more time crafting their work.
When an artist is more established, or has been off the radar for a while, I can understand wanting to brand/re brand themselves to let it be known that they’re still available for assignment but even still, this won’t sway me. It’s all about the work.
Now that we’re clear on that, get out from behind the computer and go shoot something. [click the ‘continue reading’ link below]—
[Via the awesome Heather Morton Art Buyer. Collage above was a rebranding study by Michael Clinard.
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There is certainly a great deal to know about this issue.
I love all the points you made.