The holidays are a time for cheer, but they’re also a time for giving. As such I’ve joined forces with some friends here in Seattle to help bring you GIVESEATTLE.ORG.
GIVESEATTLE.ORG is simple: we’ve compiled more than 30 amazing tracks from some of Seattle’s best bands/musicians and wrapped it into one compilation that is downloadable for just $7. And 100% of the money goes directly to support Arts Corps and Seattle Area Food Banks. (Yes you read that correctly 100% goes to those in need).
Please download this amazing compilation NOW at And also important: Please tell your friends. This music is not to be missed.
To promote this unique form of holiday giving online, a handful of us are making music videos. We’re aiming to…[click ‘continue reading’ link below]—
…make these in one take, or close to it, with zero budget. These creative restraints are resulting in some really simple, beautiful concepts. This is the first one, featuring the band Fences, directed by Brad Curran over at CityArts. (Separately, you may recall us featuring Fences as part of our SFEAD project too…beautiful stuff).
We’ll release one video each week or so throughout the holidays. I’ll be posting them all here. I hope you enjoy.
The list of partners who have come together to create this is too long to mention here, but please check them out here on the GiveSeattle.orgpage. Happy holidays and please give your $7 in exchange for some great new music.
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I was using Safari Version 4.0.4 (6531.21.10) on Mac 10.6.2. I just tried Firefox and that did the trick. Don't know why it didn't work with Safari, but it's downloading now.
Purchased, but having trouble with the download. Also, will we be able to use the access code more than once to get the "Coming Soon" tracks later on?