Thanks to your feedback from this post a couple weeks ago, I updated my iphone photo portfolio today. Please take a spin thru. And in keeping with the spirit of this post, feel free to tell me which ones you like, but be sure to tell me at least one that sucks and how it could be improved.I'm rotating the content of these portfolios quite frequently now--finally letting go of the drama associated with "a... read more ›
472 reads
I've been yelping about photo and video convergence since long before the Nikon D90 and the Canon 5d, so it's nice to see the support for these claims just keep on rolling in. For example, Esquire magazine today announced that the June 2009 issue of their rather glorious magazine (on sale May 10) features Megan Fox on its cover, and more importantly, that the image was captured with a video camera. Yes. That's right the... read more ›
1K reads
What kinda magic can 22 photographers from 16 countries do in 12 hours in Dubai? Well if they can round up 6 traceurs, 1 beautiful woman, 1 Mountain Dew, and a Porsche Cayenne, they can create something pretty darn cool.Enter the collaborative Dubai Parkour Project.Here's how it went down: we all gathered as a part of Gulf Photo Plus, an annual photo festivus in Dubai UAE of more than 1000 photographers from around the... read more ›
340 reads
For a couple months now I've been posting an iPhone image to my Twitter and Facebook everyday. No photoshop, just in-iPhone-app editing and a mobile post. The exercise originally started for two reasons: 1)to keep the creative/vision mojo flowing; and 2)emphasize the image, not the tools needed to create it. Its been really key in my own creative development lately, and I've been jazzed to get a ton of community feedback around how this little... read more ›
1.3K reads
The title of this post is ripped directly from the title of a short must-read book, written by Saatchi & Saatchi Creative Director legend, Paul Arden.Here's three pieces of advice from this book:1. Do not seek praise, seek criticism. "It is quite easy to get approval if we ask enough people, or those who are likely to to say what we want to hear. The likelihood is that they will say nice things rather than... read more ›
1K reads
“Mulling it over, I couldn’t articulate it fully but definitely, I knew I had become lazy, really lazy. A spectacular sloth by the standards of shooting film. Film is hard. Film is a stone cold unforgiving killing bastard. Film is once in a lifetime, no excuses. F8 and really, really be there: ready, steady, in focus, correct exposure, and pressing the shutter in synch with life.”Doug Menuez said that, just this morning. And if you... read more ›
301 reads
POV photography has come a long way. I've long had a serious interest in it, but this video by José Luis Ortiz (and behind the scenes photographed here by Erwan Grey) brings a whole new meaning to helmet cam. Couldn't pass on sharing this...It used to be a pie in the sky idea to get a "birds-eye" view. Then we made cameras smaller, and we attached them to remote control helicopters. Now we're just... read more ›
608 reads
If you’ve tuned into my Facebook or Twitter recently, you’ll know I’m finally back in the saddle, stateside, after a couple of fun and productive weeks in Dubai, UAE. I made my way to the Middle East’s skyscraper mecca for a number of reasons, one of which--I’m proud and excited to share--was my first official fine-art gallery show. Having been uber-busy heading into the planning of this thingie, I went into it with low expectations--maybe... read more ›
1.6K reads
Hopefully you recall the brilliant Subservient Chicken site from way back. You type in a command and the chicken executes it. Funny shiznit, right? But how bored do you get how fast?Me? I used to be a sucker. Back in the day, I'd linger at that site for a 3 or 4 minutes. Today? I'd get bored in five seconds.Unless...Unless after every command I issued the chicken, he did what I asked and then added... read more ›
1.4K reads
Thanks to all of you wrote in after seeing Laura’s Story when I announced the refreshed last week (check it). This video is sorta buried in my new Portfolios section, but many of you seemed to unearth it and find intrigue in it too, so I’m following your lead/request to chuck it out here on the blog to facilitate some sharing and/or discussion.What is it? It’s a short video piece about my friend... read more ›
417 reads