PROBLEM: As a pro photographer specializing in ‘location-based’ advertising images (which is photo-speak for shooting in-the-field instead of in-studio), I often face the challenge of shooting under conditions that do not allow for the comforts of Mac Pros and Cinema Displays to review images, download cards, or shoot direct to the hard drive. (We often have to helicopter into locations, are out in the remote without option at generator, or find ourselves in... read more ›
3.5K reads
If you've seen the video clip advert thingie I was hired to shoot called "Rollin Street", in collaboration with Flying Spot Seattle, you might guess that it's trendy (but cool and fun!) to make a movie using still images (and video) sequenced together. Some are intentionally cut roughly (like the Rollin Street piece we did), whereas others are more smooth (requires more shots lumped together). Strangely, although the Rollin Street "story" has been here on... read more ›
135 reads
For those of us who have been waiting... Newsflash from the Adobe website:A new era in creative expression is about to unfold, freeing us to color outside the lines, to think in multiple dimensions, to engage audiences like never before.Join us for a live webcast of the unveiling of Adobe Creative Suite 3, hosted in New York City by Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen and COO Shantanu Narayen. Witness live the largest and most significant product... read more ›
173 reads
I don't know what it is with all these video clips that I'm posting lately, but this is worthy. A friend of mine Nate at Superfad Seattle recently produced a faux exploitation film trailer that was submitted to a contest put on by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez to appear in and promote their upcoming film called Grindhouse. Freelance designers, Thai Tran and Dan Brown directed the piece and Superfad's Ryan Haug (aka Bubba), edited... read more ›
239 reads
I'm not shy about my liking the UK graffiti artist Banksy (see my earlier post here if you missed it). All you artists out there should take a lesson from this: one of his graffiti, stencil style paintings sold last month at a Sotheby's auction for 102,000 British Pounds, or around $200,000 USD, a new high price for a piece of his art. Read the BBC article here. Why I'm bringing this up is to... read more ›
360 reads
I typically don't go down the road of public service announcements, but this could be helpful. I'll make it quick.First, Daylight Saving Time begins this Saturday night at 2am (technically Sunday morning). Second, this is a change from year's past (thanks to a positive, energy conservation move from congress) and it could be a slight pain in the neck for your computer. That said, I'd suggest checking this out in advance... For Mac: just use... read more ›
257 reads
I recently gave an interview and the questioner, like many others before him, asked about my busy lifestyle. "Absolutely," I said, "crazy busy all the time. Fast paced. Happy. BUT crazy busy." I'm sure you know what I mean. We're all doing everything so quickly. Saving time here, efficiency there, etc. Our lives are faster than every before. After the interview, I wondered to myself how many times I've replied with that answer when asked.... read more ›
430 reads
Chances are, if you're reading this, you're already attuned to the concept of Net Neutrality and why it's a good thing. If you're not dialed into it and why it's essential for the future, or if you want to see it explained in the most BS-free way possible, check out this four minute clip. It's all clear for the moment, but we might have to stand up and fight for it sooner than later. [youtube... read more ›
122 reads
Portrait Not as View of the Soul, But as Personal Advertising?What is the relationship between portrait as collaboration and portrait as unbiased recording? If the eyes are windows to the soul, and if in advance of a portrait sitting you’ve basically had the windows washed and lined up all the furniture inside and put on your favorite clothes for an open house, are the photos that result from that sitting any less “real” than a... read more ›
846 reads
13 were wrong. Household appliance manufacturing giant, General Electric, recently announced their entry into the digital photography game. Does that give any indication of how gi-normous this market is becoming? The name of their project is exactly what we'd expect: General Imaging.As an anecdote illustrating how big it's getting:I was recently on a dance floor in Manhattan at 2:30 in the morning with about 250 of my closest friends (ahem...). At one point, I pulled... read more ›
295 reads