Books are a phenomenal way of decoding the lives and minds of the greatest people that ever lived. You might've heard the quote 'all leaders are readers' before that's because great leaders KNOW the irreplaceable importance of books. Packaging years, or sometimes even decades of knowledge into the pages of a book for someone else to read and benefit from takes a mountain of effort and ambition. Anyone who's known this knows that the... read more ›
1.3K reads
We all have aspirations. But are we ready to make the sacrifices, take the risks and do the work to make them happen? Carol Jemison once remarked: Letting the world know about your work is one of the first risks you take for your dreams. Listen to the Podcast Share your work with the... read more ›
1.2K reads
You’ve heard the phrase, “you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Relationships are significant because they influence and shape our experiences, success, and repetitive cycles that hinder our performance in other areas of life. However, when we learn to navigate relationships with mindfulness and compassion, they can also be rewarding and bring us closer to who we want to be. Listen to the Podcast Sheleana Aiyana is driven by... read more ›
2.4K reads
Everyone wants a mentor, the wise little green creature who will teach us how to swing a lightsaber and use the Force. I was no exception when I started out in photography. I thought someone was going to take my outstretched hand and guide me along the path to greatness. They’d tell me what to learn, how to learn it, and what to do once I’d done so. As I’ve progressed along my creative path... read more ›
1.3K reads
Happiness and health are two topics that have been widely researched throughout history but only in recent years have become scientifically linked. As the connections between mental health and physical health have become undeniable, doctors and researchers alike are beginning to examine the impact of our mental well-being on our physical bodies. The study of happiness extends to the decisions people make that lead them down the path they have chosen for their lives. Enter... read more ›
2.4K reads
Reality is malleable. The world would have you believe that creativity is an indulgence. That instead, you should follow a more “practical” enough to invest your time and resources in. But these beliefs were invented by people trying to organize the world the way they saw it, not how it really was. “No Artist Tolerates Reality” Friedrich Nietzsche expressed a novel observation: "No artist tolerates reality." Throughout my life's journey, there have been countless instances... read more ›
4.2K reads
There is the path that society influences us to take in our journey towards purpose and success, and there is the voice that may call us to an unbeaten path when we don’t quite fit the mainstream mold. This was the case with Nabil Ayers, who, at two years old fell in love with music when he was given his first drum set. Though Nabil did end up going to college, his marks did not... read more ›
1.1K reads
Early on in my career, I had to make an important distinction between what it means to be a photographer, and what it means to be a professional. Yes, a photographer takes photos and a professional photographer sells photos. You know what else a professional does? They show up every day, even when the inspiration isn't hitting them. Do the Verb to Be... read more ›
1.4K reads
Everybody has regrets No matter how your life plays out, there will be situations that don’t go your way, things you wish you would have done, and words left unspoken. Yet, in a society where "no regrets" is culturally celebrated, we don't often talk about how we reckon with those feelings. It's one of the reasons why author Daniel Pink became interested in the subject. He was actually writing another book at the time.... read more ›
1.5K reads
Have you ever found yourself in a creative rut? How did you get out of it? And if you’re in one right now, what tools can you use to create change? I recently received a question via the text community (206-309-5177) asking about overcoming hard days. As we close mental health awareness month, I wanted to share a few thoughts based on what’s worked for me, with the hope to bring some value to you.... read more ›
1.2K reads