This week, I'm revisiting one of my favorite conversations with my good friend Tim Ferriss. For those of you who don’t already know, Tim is an entrepreneur, angel investor, author of 3 New York Times Best Sellers, and host of “The Tim Ferriss Show,” a podcast that receives millions of downloads each week. Tim is widely considered a human guinea pig and has self-experimented his way through unfamiliar territory time and time again. He has... read more ›
873 reads
Today's episode features one of my favorite thinkers, Gretchen Rubin. Gretchen Rubin is one of today’s most influential and thought-provoking observers of happiness and human nature. She’s known for her ability to distill and convey complex ideas with humor and clarity. In fact, when we sat down previously as part of the 30 Days of Genius series, her concept of sprinters vs marathoners was a bit unlock for my team (I'm a sprinter). Gretchen is... read more ›
278 reads
Freedom is a hot topic in 2021 as the pandemic continues to challenge everything we thought we knew. Author Sebastian Junger digs deep into the concept of freedom and how all of human history has contributed to the value of freedom today. Sebastian Junger is an award-winning journalist and New York Times bestselling author. His books include: A Death in Belmont, Fire, The Perfect Storm, Tribe, and War. After reporting on the war in eastern... read more ›
528 reads
On today's episode I take two questions. The first is regarding a popular topic many businesses are asking about how to work with influencers - striking the balance between paying them enough to make it worth their while without paying too much that impacts your business negatively. While Cory is knowledgeable about the hair industry, and clearly has an understanding of Netflix and Spotify's business models, it's always worthwhile to re-evaluate your strategies. Is subscription... read more ›
396 reads
It’s an obvious truism but something often neglected, but design is everything. It’s literally in every man-made thing we make, use, or celebrate. According to today’s guest, the act of design and creativity can benefit everyone, whether they see themselves as creative or not. Design is a process of free ideation, the overcoming of challenges and the presentation of clever solutions. Sarah Stein Greenberg is Executive Director of the at Stanford (aka the Hasso... read more ›
1K reads
“Working too hard is one of the top regrets of the dying.” Yet, when faced with the fear of not having lived the life we truly desire, we seek answers: how hard should we really work? The answer depends on what you want to make out of your life -- your purpose, your calling. It also depends on your definition of 'balance'. How much time do you want to spend working? Would you happily allow... read more ›
497 reads
When you listen to Stevie Van Zandt talk about his life – with that unmistakable, rugged laugh often breaking up sentences – you get the impression that you are not in the presence of one man. Surely there are, at least, three different Stevies in front of you. Talented guitarist, preoccupied journalist, political activist, impromptu actor and, now, acclaimed book author, Stevie is as complex and multi-faceted as a kaleidoscope. First, he invites you to... read more ›
626 reads
Fiverr Expands Online Education Offering With Acquisition of CreativeLive When I was 22 years old, I found myself at a crossroads. I had two choices, follow the “safe” path laid out for me–go to college, get a practical degree, and find a lifelong J.O.B. that provides security, OR take the much-less-certain route, pursuing my passions and my personal creativity. I saw traditional employment burdened by a rapidly changing culture and economy. Student debt, the eroding... read more ›
612 reads
“If you go deeper into yourself, you’ll find below the surface four or five things, other emotions, other things going on at the same time. Perhaps things from your childhood, things that are unconscious. You’re not even aware of what’s truly motivating your behavior. You’re kind of sleepwalking. You think that you do things for reason A, but actually, there’s B, C, D, E, and F below the surface. So you’re a mystery to yourself.”... read more ›
2K reads
NOTE: If you want to see some of the work/imagery referenced in this podcast, you can follow along with timestamps on the bottom of this blog post. Graphic designers are tasked with creating new and all-encompassing identities for institutions, from signage to promotional materials and even swag. But what happens after the job is done and the institution is responsible for implementing their new identity all on their own? The work of Paula Scher, a... read more ›
1.8K reads