For most creatives, the biggest challenge isn’t doing the work, it’s getting the work. Few of us are natural marketers or adroit at selling our vision, so many creatives live in a state of constant anxiety about where the next project (and paycheck) is going to come from. Because of that, it’s tempting to jump on any project that comes your way, especially if you’re -- as I was at the beginning of my career... read more ›
68.2K reads
Are you telling yourself some B.S. line about not having the time to do the things you dream about? Let's be honest, we've all been there. No more excuses. This video is for you.
Gretchen Rubin is the author of several blockbuster NYT bestsellers (Better Than Before, The Happiness Project and Happier At Home) which have sold millions of copies worldwide. If you notice a common theme of “happiness,” that’s because Gretchen is one of the world’s foremost “happiness experts.” I love this term because it says something very important yet rarely said, which is that happiness is largely a choice - that it’s not random but the product... read more ›
2.5K reads
My man Tim Ferriss shares the top patterns to win the day from over 200 interviews from his latest book Tools of Titans.
Brian Solis is a digital anthropologist and futurist, studying disruptive technology and its impact on the future of business and society. This episode is all about design-- specifically experience design, which is the topic of Brian’s latest book “X: The Experience When Business Meets Design.” It's the paradigm which drives companies like Nike, Airbnb, and Uber that are transforming one industry after the other, and Brian has some great insights that will help you wrap your head around it... read more ›
2K reads
To list all of James Altucher's accomplishments would take more space than we have here, but the short version is this: he's written something like 18 books, he’s got a wildly popular blog called the Altucher Confidential, an awesome podcast, and he's started 20 (yes, 20!) companies-- and that's just the highlights. But what makes James really stand out in my opinion is his honesty, specifically his honesty about failure. Failure is an inevitable part of the creative process,... read more ›
3.2K reads
As I've said countless times before, there are no magical, hidden secrets that will catapult you to success. By almost any measure, sustained success is a ton of work. And when the going gets tough, we can get sucked into spinning our wheels looking for direction or help. That's where a mentor comes in. It's the ONE PLACE YOU CAN MAKE USE OF A that will make the path to your goals much straighter... read more ›
3.6K reads
Canadian photographer Francois Brunelle spent 12 years tracking down real life Doppelgängers -- two individuals who are not related but could pass for identical twins -- and photographing them. He calls his project "I'm Not a Look-Alike," and it's starting to get some well-deserved attention. Francios Brunelle has a goal of photographing 200 "couples," as he calls them. And... read more ›
191.7K reads
Tina Roth-Eisenberg aka Swiss Miss is an acclaimed graphic designer and entrepreneur. She's the founder of several ventures including CreativeMornings, a to-do app called TeuxDeux, a designy temporary tattoo shop called Tattly and runs a co-working space called FRIENDS. Today on the podcast, The beauty of starting something as a side project vs a business-- you’re more willing to experiment, less afraid of failure Scratching your own itch. Tina says, "If I keep repeatedly complaining about... read more ›
1.4K reads
It’s no secret that the future of work is changing: the days of working at a giant company until you get a gold watch and retire with a pension are over. All this been well documented- we can all expect to change careers more frequently than ever. Whether by choice or due to economic downturns, mergers or other factors beyond our control, change is the new norm-- this is especially true for millennials, who have... read more ›
6.5K reads