Creativity is the new literacy, and I've got an anthem brewing over here... But what fires me up is that I'm not alone. So many of us are feeling this anthem right now. Times are changing. The old methods of memorization and rigid exams for a diverse student body is not working for today's world. Those times were for the factory. But what now? The average US college student graduates with about $27,000 in debt.... read more ›
893 reads
Although gear isn't even close to the most important part of photography, it's still important. And choosing the best camera for your particular needs can be a daunting task - which is why I often get new gear to bang around with and it's also why I associate with smart gear guys like my pal Sohail. In this review, Sohail puts the new Nikon 7100 through its paces in a way that I haven't got... read more ›
10.9K reads
Update: It's official now, I'm dropping in as a guest on JoeyL's show TODAY at 10:45 Seattle Time (1:45 NYC; 18:45 London). Join us - ask questions. I just was sent over the topics he's going to grill me on and I haven't given an interview this in-depth about commercial photography in more than a year. Tune in HERE to watch... -- Occasionally I hand pick certain people that I'd like to see... read more ›
1.3K reads
Photo geeks and space nerds unite. Saw this and had to share it. This is the first time mankind has ever seen the planet Mercury in its entirety. Scientists used thousands of images collected for over a year by the MESSENGER probe to completely map the surface of the planet, taken at a resolution of 1km per pixel. The yellow-orange sections are highly volcanic lava plains, and the dark blue areas are assumed to be... read more ›
3.6K reads
Are you pursuing your personal passions to get the pictures you want, or are you letting...ahem..."too many obstacles" stop you? Here's a little inspiration. Using a weather balloon, a Gopro 2, a Multiplex Funjet and some other lo-fi equipment, David Windestål decided to get some first person footage of a trip to space. What he ends up with is an awesome video of the camera's trip into orbit, and a ton of inspiration for the... read more ›
1.7K reads
If you've been following along socially you're in the know that I'm on a commercial assignment in Belize that targets the life and wonder of the world's water, lakes, oceans, etc. [...You might remember this video of the SuperPod of dolphins from the South African leg of this campaign with long time friend Mike Horn...] In short, I can't say enough good stuff about Belize. It's seemingly impossible to take a bad photo here...even without... read more ›
499 reads
All you need to know: _Yes - it really was that steep. What's that old saying, "Measure twice, cut once?" Same applies for spending time finding the hard to find angle. _That's Jill Kintner on the bike. Badass. Have a great weekend.
472 reads
"Sliders and dollies help you tell your story with beautiful camera moves." So sayeth filmmaker Zeke Kamm of Nice Industries. Hard to argue with that statement. Well-placed, well-executed dolly shots increase production value, no question there. They can also increase production time and total gear load, as traditional sliders are bulky and a bitch to set up. That's where Kamm's Rocket Travel Slider comes in. Capable of delivering up to 10 foot long, smooth dolly... read more ›
420 reads
[UPDATE: Just returned from a job in Belize and guys have been busy! 2,000 comments/entries in a week! I've been checking out the work -there is some great stuff. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SUBMIT AN ENTRY (April 24). Any entries after today (at midnight) will miss the deadline and not be considered. Standby for the judging - it's going to take me a while... read more ›
976 reads
GE's Focus Forward films are 3-minute documentaries featuring some the world's most exceptional and innovative people presenting their ideas and inventions. Each year the project awards $200,000 to winners of the Filmmaker Competition, many of which have their 3-minute films premiered at Sundance. You're gonna wanna take a few minutes and enjoy one or two of these. As an example -- in the Grand Prize winning film -- Neil Harbisson, who was born with achromatopsia... read more ›
251 reads