You should go to photo school if you want structured learning. Groundwork from the fundamentals to the bigger concepts. It will move too slowly for many of you, too fast for others. There are lots of great programs, worldwide.
If you don’t do better with structured learning and you are highly motivated and prefer real world experience, don’t go. Instead, teach yourself, take workshops, get mentors, read books, build your support network, work for other people. And most importantly take a helluva lot of photographs. Dig the long ditch that it takes to learn to make a living with photographs.
If this is too simple a post for you, then go to photo school.
Can ANYONE suggest how I go about learning VIDEO PRODUCTION online?
It’s all about intelligence – If you understand what you need to learn to do the job, and can use your knowledge to overcome the technical aspects of solving problems on an actual shoot, then it doesn’t really matter where you got that information from.
What is important is that when you’re employed to do a job of work because of your creative vision, but can’t deliver the goods because you don’t know how to apply the mechanics of photography to create you vision – then you fail as a photographer.
Creativity is important, but unless you can use the tools properly, you hands are tied.
You don’t need to spend weeks learning about Rembrandt, his life, lovers and what he liked to eat for lunch to be a great photographer. All I need to know is how he and other artists used light and shadow to portray their subjects (I use Rembrandt as an example only).
Inspiration for creativity may come from many areas of life, it’s all down to how in tune with their surroundings a person actually is.
I’d rather take classes on business management and marketing than fine art classes.
I don’t think my employers would be too impressed that I could critique a work by Raphael, but would be impressed at how efficiently I run my business, market myself and that my quotes are on the mark.
Oh! yeah and that I can actually use a camera with anger.