We had TWO amazing guests on the this episode of chasejarvisLIVE, which aired Wednesday, April 3, 2013.
Julien Smith is a NY Times best-selling author, CEO, voice actor and radio broadcaster. To fully enjoy his appearance on our show, you need to stop giving a f*#k right now. Not about your work, but about what other people – the haters, the doubters, the “experts”, your boss, your classmates – think. I went man crush when I read his post The Complete Guide to Not Giving A F*ck and The Short Sweet Guide to Being F*cking Awesome. I hit ‘like’ on Facebook, along with 53,839 other people (seriously) and promised myself to have him on the show that day. N.G.A.F. will set you free and put you on the path to being truly awesome. It will help you do your best work and be your most creative, most true self. A heavy dose of this is what you need.
Julien reviewed his message with us:
FACT NUMBER 1. People are judging you right now.
FACT NUMBER 2. You don’t need everyone to like you.
FACT NUMBER 3. It’s YOUR people that matter.
FACT NUMBER 4. Those who don’t give a f#$% change the world. The rest do not.
NOW…. Guest #2 is the perfect accomplice to Julien and his mantra, except these guys do it with music. We tipped you off to Macklemore & Ryan Lewis …had ’em on cjLIVE before they went quadruple platinum… Tipped you off to The Lumineers before they hit the Grammys (among others)… In this episode, we offer yet another tip…the meteoric rise of Seattle duo, My Goodness. Drums, guitars, and some heavy effing vocals, it’s garage punk Black Keys on fire.
As you might imagine, this episode was a whole lot of fun. Check it out.
Here are some behind-the-scenes photos:
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First : people have to know what Da Torpedo actually said.
Well, Princess Bajarakitiyabha actually also got an undergraduate law degree from Thammasat with “second” class honours. This degree, I think, is more associated with her than her pol.sci degree from Sukhothai Thammatirat.
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I just thought it would be too easy to put username and domain together. Maybe not?Brainstorm Archive: Terrence Ryan) Comroe
Good to hear, Shawn!